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My friend wants to name her future DAUGHTER Selah, she said that she heard of it on a TV on a show that went through the most un-used names! I said that I would check for her the meaning of it!! Does anyone know anything about it?Thanks, Agata Dominika ;)
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I found Sela (without the H) means Rock in Hebrew.
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Selah is a musical term that was used in the Bible to indicate a rest. The name was also used by Lauryn Hill & Rohan Marley for their daughter.
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The name Selah was probably first used by the Puritans...the word 'selah' occurs 71 times in Psalms.
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Yes there is an actress, I think her name is Sela Ward. I'm pretty sure that I researched the name Selma(my grandmother) and found this, so you can check under Selma. I think Sela is a beautiful name :)
good luck to your friend
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