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Vauva Tuli!! (need help)
A gentleman I know through a different web site just became a father (c-section), and he is originally from the US, but is currently living in Finland (lucky him). His son, though hasn't been named as of yet and he (the father) would like a name that is equally appropriate in Finland and the US.Thank you from both Magus and from mePhyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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Oh! I like Matthias. And it's becoming popular with the kids now, because of Redwall.
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What's Redwall? Matthias was on our short list!
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Matthias of RedwallMatthias is a mouse in two of the Redwall series books: "Redwall" and "Mattimeo." In "Redwall", Matthias finds the sword of Martin the Warrior (also a mouse) and returns to Redwall Abbey to save the animals there from an evil rat named Cluny the Scourge. In "Mattimeo", Matthias goes on a quest to save his son, Mattimeo, and other young animals from Slagar the Cruel, a fox.Matthias is the husband of Cornflower, father of Mattimeo, and grandfather of Maritin II.
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RedwallRedwall is one of top-selling series right now, for the 9-12 age set. The boy across the street is not quite seven, and gifted, and he's really into it. I told my sister about it for my nephew, who just turned seven, and is also reading on a 6th grade level.Right now, there are 14 books in the series. Parents who don't like Harry Potter for their kids, steer them to Redwall, which is set in Medieval times, with knights and action, but the characters are mice.I asked the boy across the street about the book, and it was Matthias this and Matthias that. "Matthias the Brave!" If you're considering it, this would be a good time to name a boy Matthias.AndreaPS I saw a movie yesterday, and a principal young female character was named Amelia.
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No original ideas here...just the overly-popular choicesJonas/ Joonas
Noahor perhaps Tobias? I really like this make it more "Finnish" your friend could always spell it Topias! Or take Aaron, drop the n - Aaro.
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My two votes go to:Kal (a variation of Kaarle) meaning: StrongandJorma (pr Yorma, like Jorma Kaukonen) meaning: Farmer
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