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French Pronounciation Help
How do you say the following names correctly in french 1. Amandine
2. Romane
3. Flavie
4. Maelle
5. Perrine
6. Maelys
7. Meline
8. Melina
9. Myline Thanks for your help
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I think you pronounce Amandine AM-an-deen, but whenever I see it I think ah-MAN-deen, like Amanda w/a diff. ending.
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Hello, I'm French so I can help!1) ah-mawn-deen (awn like in ANdre)
2) roh-mahn
3) flah-vee
4) mah-el
5) peh-reen ("eh" like in men)
6) mah-eh-lis
7) meh-leen
8) meh-lee-nah
9) mee-leen:)
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Fla-vie ??
Mee-lee-n(uh) (you mean Mylene?= Mee-le-nuhThe nuh etc has no accent. The other names are not French.
What about: Silvie or Yvette?
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Hello I'm French.1. Ah-Mahn-Deen (use your nose in order to pronounce the "mahn", like in "uh huh")
2. Raw-Mann
3. Flah-Vee
4. Mah-El
5. Perr-Inn
6. Ma-El-Iss
7. Mél-Inn
8. Mé-Lee-Nah
9. Mee-LinnDon't blow after the consonants.
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