Hi all,
I know this is way off topic, but I find it best to let you all know that I am alive and well.
I have been quite busy lately and will be for quite some time still.
I am not sure if this is goodbye, but it at least means quite a long period of absence. It has truly been a pleasure to take part in the behindthename.com board and I thank you all for treating me in such a kind and helpful way.
I wish to give special thanks to
Pavlos, Davidh,
Gia Nadine, Sarajeanne and of course
Mike C.
You made me feel welcome and respected from the very first day and for that I am thankful. You gave me many good experiences and I hope I was able to give you some back.
Be well all of you and take good care of yourself, for I deem that you are far more precious than you might think.
Simon and Garfunkle
Time it was, and what a time it was,
it was a time of innocence,
a time of confidence.
Long ago, it must be,
I have a photograph,
preserve your memories,
they're all that's left you.
To chose Bookends by
Simon and Garfunkle may be too much, but I must admit, that I feel a little melancholy posting this message.