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origin and meaning of the names Gorgona, Plesius, Elesbaan and Caesarius
These names I could not find on your website. Can anyone give me some information about these names?Thanks a lot.
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Caesarius is merely a form of Caesar. That is in the database.Miranda
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thank you very muych for your help!
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I posted the above message in name of my friend Alexandra, who is at the moment not able to type anything. Just in case you are confused:)
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GorgonaGorgona is the Greek word for mermaid. It is derived from the name Gorgon, the mythical monster. Gorgon in turn is derived from the adjectice "gorgo" meaning grim/austere/ferocious. A related verg "gorgoumai" is referred to horses when they become very pissed off :)
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