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How do you pronounce Ulrika and Annika?
How do you pronounce Ulrika and Annika? Is it ull-ree-ka or ull-rih-ka? Same question with Annika. Thanks!Karen
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There is a very famous professional FEMALE golf player by the name of Annika Sorrison (I misspelled her last name).
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ul-REE-kah and AN-ih-ka
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I always hear Annika AH-ni-ka
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Swedes pr. them UHN-nee-kuh and uhl-REE-kuh.
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Annika is AN-eh-ka to meBut that's heavily influenced by the way the people on Star Trek: Voyager pronounced Seven of Nine's birth name, Annika Hansen. The VOY folks may have gotten it wrong, of course.Miranda (who thinks Seven's Scandinavian)EDIT: Minor typo on the pronunciation

This message was edited 11/30/2004, 3:19 AM

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I was thinking of Voyager too!Ann-ik-ka and Ul-ree-ka (Ulrika Johnson)
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