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Meaning of a name that was not found in the database...
I've searched for the name MALU in the site... but I didn't find it... could someone please help me and tell the meaning of this name, it's origin? (Malu is a female name...)
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I know a person with this name... So there's no meaning to it?????
That's little sad...
Thanks to you all!
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ok, wiseguy. Tell us the meaning!!!!! That´s like poor...
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you didn't find MALU in the database because that's not a name. In spanish we have a greek word for that: "hipocorístico", that means smoething like "nick name", "affectionate name" or "by name".
As you could see, Magia and Andy are agreed with the definition, but one of them said "Mary + Lucía", the other said "Mary + Luoise" and In could say "Mary + Lucrecia". And the three are right. That is because there is no rules for this kind of names. Thanks.
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Looks like it could be a contraction of the names Maria + Lucia, prn Malú (muh-LOO)

This message was edited 11/29/2004, 5:30 PM

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I have seen it as a contraction of MARY and LOUISE.Andy ;—)
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