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Meaning of Name "Mykia"
We named our second daughter, Mykia, which was the name of a child we knew. Unfortunately, we've lost contact with that family and have no idea what "Mykia" means or where it comes from. The family was African American. We'd appreciate any help.Thanks,
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Hello,Well, my name is Mykia and I was born in 1976. Over the years I have wondered what my name meant and I have come across many meanings. "The essense of beauty" was one I really loved. My mother on the other hand said that she prayed for a gift from God and he blessed her with me. Personally my name means "my prayer" or "my gift", but truthfully a name means whatever you represent it to mean.Dawn, I think it is great that you named your daughter Mykia. I am Africian American and many people have told me that they would name their daughter's Mykia. I'm curious, where was the family from that you knew.
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my name is Mykia and I seem to be the only person in the UK who has this name! I hope this helpsBrief summary of your name: Mykia
Your first name of Mykia has given you energy, drive, and ambition, but also an almost excessively strong-willed and independent nature. While you are creative, inventive, and ingenious in practical matters, and always ready to initiate and promote new undertakings, you often experience difficulty in bringing your undertakings to a successful conclusion because of your own changing interests or changing circumstances.
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My name is Mykia as well. I'm from the U.S. I've been searching for meanings of my name. Do you all use a short I or a long I when pronouncing your name?
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