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Have you read the book Holes?
The character's name is Stanley Yelnats. Isn't that funny? His last name is his first name backwards.
Maybe people could do that. My name would be Lauren Nerual. Hm... I like it!
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yes i have read the book holes, and I thought it was great. I really do not like reading at all. I had to tell my reading teacher that. but i really and honestly couldnt put this book down. I an 11 and since I was young I have never had a book do this to me. It was a summer reading project, and I was done in 5 days. thats pretty good for someone who hates to read! THANX!!!
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I'd be Andrea Aerdna. Hey, I can pronounce that!No, I haven't read "Holes," but I've heard of it. It sounds really good. I've been researching books for my daughter this week. I've made a list of about 25-30. I didn't include "Holes" because I'm focusing on books with female protagonists. But my sister read "Holes" and told me a bit about it. It sounds great! I may read it one day.Andrea
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If you like, I'll send John's latest book to Sarah: *The Magical States of America*. It just came out in the bookstores this month. Most of John's books have cool female protagonists. :)-- Nanaea
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