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Meaning of "Mika"?
I've found several possible meanings, once in Russian for "child of God,"
once in Japanese for "beautiful flower," and twice in Japance for "new
moon." If anyone knows a definite meaning, please tell me...
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Mika-also known as "wise little raccoon" in Indian
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A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names ( includes the Mika in its list
of feminine names found in the Attica region in antiquity. I speculate that the name is
related to "mikro" ("small"). Of course it is a fairly pleasant sounding two-syllable name which is
very likely exist in several cultures with other meanings.
It is probably also being used by some a short for Michaela.
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Thank you!
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Mika is also the Finnish version of Mikael, a very popular name over here!!
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i like my name
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I assume "over here" is Sweden? My son is currently staying in Goteborg with his friend Mikael, who was an exchange student at our high school.The boys here have always pronounced his name "mee-KAYL", and he's not told them differently, but I've heard that's not really correct. What IS the right pronounciation?
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...with my apologies the the syntax purists...
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