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This is an actress I found on She's Hawaiian. Does anyone know anything about it? At first I read it Kelley, but after looking twice I was really confused. Any ideas? Would you say it is pro. Kel-lye?-Seda*
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I think it's just a kre8iv form of Kelly. I would say it KEL-ee too.There was a Kellye on M*A*S*H too, Kellye Yamato; she was the plump and short Asian nurse. Her actress's name was Kellye Nakahara, which is where I suppose her onscreen name came from.Miranda
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Actually that is the same Kellye, Seda and I were discussing the movie Clue earlier and came across her
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'ye' names weren't uncommon in the first half of last century - here's some statistics:Name: 1900s/1910s/1920s/1930s/1940s/1950sBettye -/ 981 / 329 / 248 / 282 / 569
Rubye 447 / 426 / 584 / 781 /-/-
Sadye 578 /-/-/-/-/-
Billye -/-/ 671 / 863 / 962 /-
Bobbye -/-/-/ 686 /-/-:-)

This message was edited 11/11/2004, 3:11 PM

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