by Array (WeloveyouJesseLacey)
1/10/2007, 6:37 PM
Oh wait, I think that's because I recently heard the comedy-song "The Homecoming Queen's Got a Gun" by Julie Brown. lol
I love Julie Brown! Have you heard "'Cause I'm a Blonde" or "Trapped in the Body of a White Girl"? If not, I can PM you links to download them (and "The Homecoming Queen's Got a Gun" if you need a copy), because I think they're hilarious. :D
Thank you for the suggestions! I like:
Julie Angel -- It reminds me of Johnny Angel, lol, and I've liked Angel- names lately. I've just been unable to pick the one I like best. Angel will do for now, even if I suspect most people would categorize it with Delight.
Julie Diamond -- I doubt I'd ever use Diamond, but I think it makes a really nice middle name.
Julie Fern -- Feels very mid-century retro to me.
Julie Hazel -- Great-grandma Hazel was the only great-grandparent I really knew (the rest were all dead by the time I was one), and I loved her.
Julie Iris
Julie Rosanna -- Reminds me of Rosanna Cash. :)
Julie Tamar
Julie Winter