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Re: Finn
in reply to a message by Lea
I like it, but it seems to be gaining in popularity, so I probably wouldn't use it.It's nice enough on its own, but I much prefer it as a NN (Finlay or Finnegan etc).Finn Connor
Finn Parker
Finn Timothy
Finn Evander
Finn Kieran
Finn Charles
Finn Oscar
Finn Alexander
Finn ConradFinnegan Ward
Finnegan Clark
Finnegan Graham
Finnegan Adam
Finnegan Silas
Finnegan JamesFinlay Rhys
Finlay Nathaniel
Finlay Benjamin
Finlay Carter
Finlay Matthias
Finlay Simon

This message was edited 1/8/2007, 7:16 PM

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Thanks for commenting.I like:Finn Parker
Finn Alexander
Finlay Rhys or Finnian Rhys
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