Here it goes...
Abriana, - I have seen Aubriana (which I think I prefer)
Ada - reminds me of a little old lady for some reason but I wouldn't mind it as a mn.
Adalia - nms, but ok for someone else.
Adanna - nms
Adela - nms
Adelaide, - I really like this name (maybe because this is where my name comes from lol)
Adena - nms
Adora - ehh. its ok
Adorabella - too much
Adorlee - nms
Adria - I like this one
Adriana - Didn't used to be a fan but it has grown on me alot.
Agate - nms
Ainsley - I like this name but am hearing it more and more.
Airlea - nms
Airleas - nms
Ailsa - I like this one.
Aithne - I like this one. I really like Irish names.
Alannah - Prefer Alana
Alanis - Bleh
Alethea - Not a fan.
Alexa - I love Alex- names but they're pretty popular.
Alexandria - ditto
Alisa - ok
Allegra - Reminds me of some upper class snob.
allira - nms
Alodie - Prefer Elodie
Alura - nms
Alyssa - I Like it, but it's not a name that really jumps out at me.
Amalea - ok
Amara - I used to really like this name alot.
Amber - boring
America - Believe it or not, this is probably a GP of mine.
Amethyst - More of a mn for me.
Amity - nms
Amorette - nms
Andria - Ok. I might actually prefer this over Andrea. I would have to sit on it.
Aniela - I like this WAY more than Angela.
Anika - Depends on how you pronounce it.
Anja - love it.
Anette - nms
Anetta - nms
Annisa - nms
Annamaria - nms. I have a not-so-great association with this name.
Annora - nms
Anya - love it. Also love Aine.
Arctic - nms
Arella - nms
Aurellia - nms but prefer Aurelia. I wouldn't mind it on someone else's child.
Aria - I like it.
Ariana - I used to love this name.
Arianwen - nms
Arica - ehh.
Arielle - nms but its ok.
Ariella - prefer Arielle
Arietta - nms
Atlantis - nms
Aurora - I picture a beautiful but quiet little girl.
Aveline - nms
Azure - nms
Azura - nms
ok, you got through the "a"s Congrats!
Beda - nms
Belle - as a nn
Beth - not a fan, maybe as a mn.
Blair - Reminds me of The Facts of Life.
Blessing - no
Bliss - Maybe as a mn. Maybe.
Breana - Prefer Briana.
Bretta - nms. I would prefer Brenna.
Briar - on a boy.
Blythe - Reminds me of an old lady.
Brielle - I like this one.
not so bad was it? Here come the Cs
Cadence - Love it. Prefer Kadence.
Caeley - ehh.
Callie - more of a nn.
Calliope - nms
Callista - ok
Calypso - nms
Cameo - I knew someone by this name. I'm not a much of a fan but it fit her well.
Camilla - ehh. ok.
Camille - Prefer this over Camilla
Candi - stripper.
Carmen - nms
Carolina - depends on the pronounciation.
Cassia - love it.
Cayla - nms but prefer Kayla
Celeste - I have some not-so-great associations.
Celestia - nms
Celestial - nms
Celestina - nms
Cera - ok
Chaya - nms
Cherelle - nms
Chloe - cute
Chrysanthe - nms
Ciana - love it
Ciara - love it
Clara - as a mn
Clarissa - I like it. Prefer Carissa/Karissa
Crystalin - Prefer Krystal
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I finally compiled my favorites list... (pt1)  ·  quigonjecca  ·  12/20/2006, 12:50 PM
Re: I finally compiled my favorites list... (pt1)  ·  Isabel  ·  12/21/2006, 2:59 AM
Here it goes...  ·  HeidiB317  ·  12/20/2006, 4:20 PM
WOW! Thank you so much for commenting on ALL of them!!! nt  ·  quigonjecca  ·  12/20/2006, 5:05 PM
Re: I finally compiled my favorites list... (pt1)  ·  Emma  ·  12/20/2006, 3:12 PM
Re: I finally compiled my favorites list... (pt1)  ·  Sabrina Fair  ·  12/20/2006, 3:01 PM
Re: I finally compiled my favorites list... (pt1)  ·  ElleMichelle  ·  12/20/2006, 1:50 PM
Re: I finally compiled my favorites list... (pt1)  ·  IrishGirl  ·  12/20/2006, 1:30 PM
WOW!! (falls over on floor) Thank you so much! nt  ·  quigonjecca  ·  12/20/2006, 5:08 PM