I'm still on my search to find the perfect twin names (partly for a story I'm writing, but also for my own interests), so this topic might be redundant for you, especially if you've been tuning in to my saga on a daily basis. :) It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't change my mind every day. I have several questions to ask, so don't feel compelled to answer them all unless you're just very, very bored, lol.
1) Could Maggie and Jennie be stand-alone names without having a more formal name to fall back on? (Maggie Gyllenhall and Jennie Eisenhower are some notable people who don't have a more formal name.)
2) Do you like Maggie and Jennie as sister names? Twin names?
3) Middle name ideas? :)
Thank you so much!
Visit Mashka's MySpace at http://www.myspace.com/fraubeethoven.
Names of the Day:
Dashiell Spencer & Alice Annie