Claribel vs. Arabella
Out of the two, which one is better?
Claribel or Arabella? Any other varients that you know of that might be similar? Thanks for your help!
Claribel or Arabella? Any other varients that you know of that might be similar? Thanks for your help!
Kate Suzanne


Claribel for me. Arabella is lovely but to me it feels too stiff & dressy for my taste. Claribel is more rustic and sweet (and reminds me a little bit of a cow - Clarabelle, but not so much that it's unflattering).
- mirfak

- mirfak

Ooh, tough choice! I like Claribel better but I think Arabella would age smoother from child to adult. I guess I'll have to say Arabella. Both are great!

I prefer Claribel even though it makes me think of Clarabelle the Cow.
“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”
~Mark Twain
~Mark Twain
Arabella is deffinately better in my opinion! Claribel is rather old-fashioned sounding to me. A name that might be worn by a grandmother or maybe a farmer's beloved cow. Arabella is so pretty, and sweet, and has a regal, elegant quality to it. I think it's also a great alternative to Isabella which has become so popular lately.

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