Re: Sibset (utterly theoretical, by the seat of my pants)
in reply to a message by Array
Evening Veronica Rae "Evey" ~ I'm not a fan as Evening as a full FN but with Evey as a nickname I think it's just lovely! Veronica is nms as a FN but as a MN it's pretty and Rae is just so cute to me now!
Morpheus Bendicht Michael ~ I'm not getting the attraction of Morpheus here, it reminds me of morphine and morbid. I really like Benedick and Benedict so with the H is fine and I'd use that as the FN. Michael is a great favorite with me and I always like it best as a MN. Benedicht Michael Morpheus would even be better.
Ignatius Robert Riley "Iggy" ~ I really like Ignatius nn Iggy it's so cute yet old-fashioned and masculine! Robert and Riley make perfect middle names and I actually like the double Rs here. :)
June Rose Cornelia Lisette "June Rose" ~ It's a very long combos but other than that I really like the flow of the names together, elegant and beautiful. June Rose is really pretty and would go well with a sister Evening "Evey"! Cornelia is beautiful and I'd love to see that as a FN but it's lovely either way.
Josh's new album available November 7th!
Morpheus Bendicht Michael ~ I'm not getting the attraction of Morpheus here, it reminds me of morphine and morbid. I really like Benedick and Benedict so with the H is fine and I'd use that as the FN. Michael is a great favorite with me and I always like it best as a MN. Benedicht Michael Morpheus would even be better.
Ignatius Robert Riley "Iggy" ~ I really like Ignatius nn Iggy it's so cute yet old-fashioned and masculine! Robert and Riley make perfect middle names and I actually like the double Rs here. :)
June Rose Cornelia Lisette "June Rose" ~ It's a very long combos but other than that I really like the flow of the names together, elegant and beautiful. June Rose is really pretty and would go well with a sister Evening "Evey"! Cornelia is beautiful and I'd love to see that as a FN but it's lovely either way.
Josh's new album available November 7th!