Sibset (utterly theoretical, by the seat of my pants)
WDYT? If you dislike one or more, how would you change it to make it more palatable?
Evening Veronica Rae "Evey"
Morpheus Bendicht Michael
Ignatius Robert Riley "Iggy"
June Rose Cornelia Lisette "June Rose"
Middle names are all family names. None of my combos (save Evening's) seem to line up right in my mind right now--I'm getting a bit frustrated with them.
Evening Veronica Rae "Evey"
Morpheus Bendicht Michael
Ignatius Robert Riley "Iggy"
June Rose Cornelia Lisette "June Rose"
Middle names are all family names. None of my combos (save Evening's) seem to line up right in my mind right now--I'm getting a bit frustrated with them.
I like them, but June Rose I am only so-so about. I don't know, it just doesn't flow well to me. Both names seem very defiantive. June. Rose. *shrug* Pretty, but strange to say for my tongue.
I would never use Morpheus (though, maybe Orpheus as a mn), but its an Array name now.
~ Arcadia ~

I would never use Morpheus (though, maybe Orpheus as a mn), but its an Array name now.

Hmm, okay:
Evening Veronica Rae "Evey" - Cute! I really like it for you.
Morpheus Bendicht Michael - I love Morpheus and have for a long time, but I don't care for Bendicht or Michael.
Ignatius Robert Riley "Iggy" - I LOVE Ignatius and Iggy, and I don't care for Robert Riley but I do love their family connection for you and the combo does have a nice flow.
June Rose Cornelia Lisette "June Rose" - Hmm, I really don't care for this combo at all. I would much rather see you with a Juniper.
Now, I would rather see you with:
Evening Veronica Rae
Morpheus Crispin Lorenz
Ignatius Robert Riley
Juniper Cornelia Lisette
Evening Rae
Morpheus Lorenz
Ignatius Riley
Juniper Cornelia

Evening Veronica Rae "Evey" - Cute! I really like it for you.
Morpheus Bendicht Michael - I love Morpheus and have for a long time, but I don't care for Bendicht or Michael.
Ignatius Robert Riley "Iggy" - I LOVE Ignatius and Iggy, and I don't care for Robert Riley but I do love their family connection for you and the combo does have a nice flow.
June Rose Cornelia Lisette "June Rose" - Hmm, I really don't care for this combo at all. I would much rather see you with a Juniper.
Now, I would rather see you with:
Evening Veronica Rae
Morpheus Crispin Lorenz
Ignatius Robert Riley
Juniper Cornelia Lisette
Evening Rae
Morpheus Lorenz
Ignatius Riley
Juniper Cornelia

I love all the first names, but I really dont like: Veronica, Michael, Robert & Cornelia
~*~*~ BeX ~*~*~
Visit my space!
~*~*~ BeX ~*~*~
Visit my space!
i dont think that kids should be named Evening, Morpheus, or Ignatius. id personally be embarrassed if that was my name =/. I really like June Rose Cornelia Lisetter tho =]
May I ask what your name is? :)
I need the smell of summer--
I need its noises in my ears.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
I need the smell of summer--
I need its noises in my ears.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Evening Veronica Rae "Evey" -Love it as always.
Morpheus Bendicht Michael -Okay. I like Morpheus very much, and Bendicht is good (I would prefer Benedict, but I know you have reason) and Michael is one of those names I really dislike without reason. It flows well.
Ignatius Robert Riley "Iggy" -Nice! Iggy is nmsaa, but I like the full name. Iggy just kind of reminds me of a bug, for some reason :-/
June Rose Cornelia Lisette "June Rose" -It's very nice overall, but I could see how June Rose might be said differently by different people. Some people would stress the June part, like "JOONrose", while others might say "juneROSE". I guess this isn't really all that big of a deal, it may just be a personal thing with me, because I hate it when people call me "brayLENNNNNNN". It just drives me nuts. I'm a good, even Braelyn, thanks. LOL.
Morpheus Bendicht Michael -Okay. I like Morpheus very much, and Bendicht is good (I would prefer Benedict, but I know you have reason) and Michael is one of those names I really dislike without reason. It flows well.
Ignatius Robert Riley "Iggy" -Nice! Iggy is nmsaa, but I like the full name. Iggy just kind of reminds me of a bug, for some reason :-/
June Rose Cornelia Lisette "June Rose" -It's very nice overall, but I could see how June Rose might be said differently by different people. Some people would stress the June part, like "JOONrose", while others might say "juneROSE". I guess this isn't really all that big of a deal, it may just be a personal thing with me, because I hate it when people call me "brayLENNNNNNN". It just drives me nuts. I'm a good, even Braelyn, thanks. LOL.
I don't know what palatable means, but I'll try ;)
Evening Veronica Rae "Evey":
Evening Minerva Rae
Evening Victoria Rae
Morpheus Bendicht Michael:
Morpheus Miles Benedict
Morpheus Ray Benedict
Morpheus Benedict Rayner
Morpheus James Benedict
Ignatius Robert Riley "Iggy":
Robert Riley Ignatius
Ignatius Riley Ray
Ignatius Riley Benedict
June Rose Cornelia Lisette "June Rose"
Rosie June Lisette
Juniper Rose Cordelia "June"
January Primrose Cornelia Evening "Jan Rose"
January Primrose Evening Rae "Jan Rose" (I just love the sound of January Primrose and of Evening Rae, so I like this last one best of all so far)
Evening Veronica Rae "Evey":
Evening Minerva Rae
Evening Victoria Rae
Morpheus Bendicht Michael:
Morpheus Miles Benedict
Morpheus Ray Benedict
Morpheus Benedict Rayner
Morpheus James Benedict
Ignatius Robert Riley "Iggy":
Robert Riley Ignatius
Ignatius Riley Ray
Ignatius Riley Benedict
June Rose Cornelia Lisette "June Rose"
Rosie June Lisette
Juniper Rose Cordelia "June"
January Primrose Cornelia Evening "Jan Rose"
January Primrose Evening Rae "Jan Rose" (I just love the sound of January Primrose and of Evening Rae, so I like this last one best of all so far)
With the exceptions of Riley and Robert, I like these names. I'd rather see Benedict, but I know your spelling is for a reason. Theoretically, though, I think that Morpheus Robert Bendicht and Ignatius Michael Riley might flow a little better. The girls are lovely as is. I second Morsa's opinion about names with similar sound combos in a sibset, though.

Hmm--I like Morpheus Robert Bendicht and Ignatius Michael Riley both. :D But as someone who shares the ending of her name with her sister (Amy and Ruby), the repeated -us ending doesn't bug me any.
Thanks, Adelle!
I need the smell of summer--
I need its noises in my ears.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Thanks, Adelle!
I need the smell of summer--
I need its noises in my ears.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Evening Veronica Rae "Evey" ~ I'm not a fan as Evening as a full FN but with Evey as a nickname I think it's just lovely! Veronica is nms as a FN but as a MN it's pretty and Rae is just so cute to me now!
Morpheus Bendicht Michael ~ I'm not getting the attraction of Morpheus here, it reminds me of morphine and morbid. I really like Benedick and Benedict so with the H is fine and I'd use that as the FN. Michael is a great favorite with me and I always like it best as a MN. Benedicht Michael Morpheus would even be better.
Ignatius Robert Riley "Iggy" ~ I really like Ignatius nn Iggy it's so cute yet old-fashioned and masculine! Robert and Riley make perfect middle names and I actually like the double Rs here. :)
June Rose Cornelia Lisette "June Rose" ~ It's a very long combos but other than that I really like the flow of the names together, elegant and beautiful. June Rose is really pretty and would go well with a sister Evening "Evey"! Cornelia is beautiful and I'd love to see that as a FN but it's lovely either way.

Josh's new album available November 7th!
Morpheus Bendicht Michael ~ I'm not getting the attraction of Morpheus here, it reminds me of morphine and morbid. I really like Benedick and Benedict so with the H is fine and I'd use that as the FN. Michael is a great favorite with me and I always like it best as a MN. Benedicht Michael Morpheus would even be better.
Ignatius Robert Riley "Iggy" ~ I really like Ignatius nn Iggy it's so cute yet old-fashioned and masculine! Robert and Riley make perfect middle names and I actually like the double Rs here. :)
June Rose Cornelia Lisette "June Rose" ~ It's a very long combos but other than that I really like the flow of the names together, elegant and beautiful. June Rose is really pretty and would go well with a sister Evening "Evey"! Cornelia is beautiful and I'd love to see that as a FN but it's lovely either way.

Josh's new album available November 7th!
I like Evening Veronica Rae, but I have issues with the other three. I would change either Morpheus or Ignatius, because they end with the same sound (it's strange, but I just really hate names in sibsets that rhyme, or begin with the same letter, or something like that). I would have only two mns with June (it seems kind of weird to me that all but one have only two mns), as well as switch the mns around. June Rose sounds a bit choppy to me, I would rather see June Cornelia Rose.
This message was edited 11/7/2006, 11:25 AM
would have only three mns with June (it seems kind of strange that all but one have only three mns),
I'd treat June Rose as a first name--I'm sorry for not making that more clear, heh. So she'd have two middle names just like the rest of, at least (I go back and forth about two middle names). :D
It's pretty much the only way I'd use Rose, since it's not a family name and thus I'd feel like I was using a filler mn if I put it in the mn slot.
Thanks for the input! :)
I need the smell of summer--
I need its noises in my ears.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
I'd treat June Rose as a first name--I'm sorry for not making that more clear, heh. So she'd have two middle names just like the rest of, at least (I go back and forth about two middle names). :D
It's pretty much the only way I'd use Rose, since it's not a family name and thus I'd feel like I was using a filler mn if I put it in the mn slot.
Thanks for the input! :)
I need the smell of summer--
I need its noises in my ears.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.