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Some BA's
Here are the birth announcements of my dad's co-workers. All babies were born in 2006.girls:
Romélie (ro-meh-LEE)
Lila (lee-LA)
Lina (lee-NA)
Léa (lay-a)
Maëlle (ma-EL)
Fien (FEEN) (it's a dutch name and it's short for Josefien)boys:
Adam (French prn)
Martin (French prn)
Grégoire (greh-GWAR)I know most names here are probably unusual for you but remember those kids are Belgian and the names are rather common here (except Romélie which is new to me).

WDYT? Any likes, dislikes?
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Some BA's  ·  Carby7  ·  10/6/2006, 11:28 AM
Re: Some BA's  ·  Cambria  ·  10/6/2006, 11:36 AM
Louis prn.  ·  Carby7  ·  10/6/2006, 11:44 AM