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Some BA's
Here are the birth announcements of my dad's co-workers. All babies were born in 2006.girls:
Romélie (ro-meh-LEE)
Lila (lee-LA)
Lina (lee-NA)
Léa (lay-a)
Maëlle (ma-EL)
Fien (FEEN) (it's a dutch name and it's short for Josefien)boys:
Adam (French prn)
Martin (French prn)
Grégoire (greh-GWAR)I know most names here are probably unusual for you but remember those kids are Belgian and the names are rather common here (except Romélie which is new to me).

WDYT? Any likes, dislikes?
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Romélie (ro-meh-LEE) - I love this, but with the accented e, I'd have assumed the prn was ro-MEY-lee
Lila (lee-LA) - it's nice, but I'd have a hard time getting used to that prn as I have a great-aunt Lila who prn her name LYE-la
Lina (lee-NA) - wow, we accent opposite syllables, huh? I think I like lee-NA better than LEE-na :o)
Léa (lay-a) - lovely, but maybe a bit too Star Wars sounding for me
Maëlle (ma-EL) - gorgeous *steals name*
Fien (FEEN) (it's a dutch name and it's short for Josefien) - this is cute. I'd not use it as a full name, but I'd defintely use it as a nnboys:
Adam (French prn) - tres bien (sorry, too lazy to put in an accent)
Mathis - ooh, nice
Arnaud - love this
Louis - LOO-ee, right? Much prefer to Lewis. :o)
Antoine - always thought this sounded very romantic
Martin (French prn) - I prefer the French prn to this, too.
Grégoire (greh-GWAR) - sexy sounding, lol. Check Out for thousands of custom glitters and layouts
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Louis prn.You're almost right about Louis. Actually this is loo-EE.
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