This is a few months' worth of copying down babies' names at the hospital where I work. I probably would do it anyway even if I didn't end up posting them--cuz I'm a name nerd like that--but still, it would be nice if someone would reply. :(
To amuse myself, here are my own comments about the names
I posted (how pitiful am I? lol)....
Piper -
Marley on its own would've been MUCH better.
Marley +
Mae smushed together is not attractive, imo.
Piper is a bit trendy but ok.
Quinterica Lutura (dad –
Quinton; siblings –
Darius &
Victoria) - Again with the 'naming the child after the father' bit. It's old, and the name is not attractive, imo. Mn sounds like a make of car. :-/
Alexandra Rachelle (sister –
Cleo) - I don't love
Alexandra nor
Rachelle but they're not bad, and I love
Arianna - trendy
Cori Jasmine - I'm partial to
Cori because it was the name of my beloved late 14-year-old dog. :(
Jasmine would be lovely if it weren't so trendy (along the lines of another flower name -
Heather :b)
Mya Alicia - trendy; I love
Maia and
Maya but not
Mya (ugh)
Shariya (sha-RYE-ah) Syriana - baby passed away :( - This was my "primary" (a baby I chose to care for whenever I was at work), and at first we laughed a bit about her mn and stumbled over how to pronounce her fn. But she unexpectedly passed away at 3 weeks old, so this name will always represent a sweet baby girl to me who was taken away from this world too soon.
Ann (sister –
Brianna) - I HATE the Jail names (Jailee, Jailyn,
Jayla, etc./et al). And mn
Ann with a sister named
Come on, people, with all the names in the world - pick another one!
Kamryn Vonann - ugh
Serena Lee - Pretty!
Elyssa Ann-Marie - I dislike
Alyssa and spelling it differently doesn't help (though I used to have a soft spot for
Annmarie would've been lovely.
Elizabeth (I never heard it pronounced, but I assume it was like KAY-lee) - Looks like it should be KYE-lay. Ewww.
Jamya Alasia - um, no
Faith Nicole - I'm SO sick of
Faith and
Nicole. We've had both of these used as mn's A LOT recently at work and I'm sick of them.
Lilly Grace - I prefer
Lily, but it's gotten so popular, and
Grace is the new boring-filler mn. Pretty names like
Grace and
Rose, esp. when used as mn's, have just lost all class and meaning for me. *sigh*
Shekinah Nicole (not sure if this is shah-KEE-nah or shah-KYE-nah...I've heard it pronounced the latter way, the name of an African American spiritual conference or somesuch that was recently in our area ??) - I didn't realize this was a "real" name. :-/ Still don't care for it much, though. The -nah Ni- run together, too.
Marissa Danielle - Just ok
Ella Caroline - Both are quite popular but I love this combo.
Sean Paul - Too reggae/rapper/singer for me. :-/
Christopher Ryan - yawn
Ja’dien Dewan - Ja'whos-a'-what?
Terrell Azayveon (mom - Tamerdis) - Um, yeah, ok....
Andrew Nathan - yawn
James - well,
James is nice...and maybe they'll call him
James IV "Quad" (didn't 'catch' the mn) - Just say the word Quad and try attaching to a child...No, doesn't work. (All I think of is a quadraplegic!)
James Duffield -
Duff :)
Aiden Ray - I HATE this spelling of
Aidan. And with the mn
Ray it's too many long A's
Nathan Alexander - ok but a bit dull
Marcus Clay - love this
Khalil Joseph (dad is Lebanese) - This baby was blond and his parents were
Bob &
Brooke. All the nurses called him
Joseph b/c
Khalil didn't "fit" at all. :b
Ronan Patrick -
LOVE this! So happy to see
Ronan used in my area (not a big Irish population here, lol)
Waylon Aubrey (parents are self-confessed country music fans) - I'm not big on
Waylon (nor
Waylon Jennings) but I love
AubreyCooper James - eh
Rohan Mitesh (interesting family - parents are Indian, practice Hindu and had a naming ceremony for the baby in the hospital, plus the father was raised in South
Africa) - I kind of like
RohanEvan Robert (brother –
Aiden) - yawn
Joshua Camden - classic turned trendy, ugh
Jordan Christopher - too 1991
Lukas Edward &
Lindsay Catheryn & Landry
Trace - I like
Lukas Edward, esp. if he's called
Luke. I don't like
Lindsay for a girl, but I especially don't like Landry for a girl. And why not at least give her a mn that clarifies her gender a bit?? And why the butchered spelling of
Catherine? :(