Minnie would make an adorable nn for
Minta, and
Mindy could also work.
Clementine and
Daisy are both nice names, but they're starting to get popular in the UK, so it might not be too long until they're popular in the US, too... maybe not, though.
MN suggestions:
Clementine AliceClementine IrisClementine LuciaClementine SageClementine Saige
Clementine FleurClementine RuthClementine FrancesClementine PiperClementine AudreyClementine BridgetClementine Violet
Daisy ImogenDaisy MatildaDaisy GiannaDaisy HelenaDaisy FionaDaisy ScarlettDaisy MirandaDaisy TabithaDaisy SimoneDaisy RebeccaDaisy JulietDaisy JulietteDaisy OliviaDaisy AnnelieseDaisy Michaela
" i'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance "
♣♥This message was edited 8/25/2006, 1:22 PM