wdyto Siena?
I love this name; this spelling only for the Italian city. What do you think and do you hvae middle name suggestions?? Do you like Siena Eelise?
Siena is a pretty name. I don't care for the spelling Eelise, but I like Elise.
Siena Ruth
Siena Patience
Siena Pauline
Siena Blythe
Siena Caroline
Siena Charlotte
Siena Fleur
Siena Christine
Siena Grace
Siena Rae
Siena May / Mae
Siena Maeve
Siena Rachel
Siena Brooke
Siena Joy
Siena Jane / Jayne
Siena Megan
Siena Margo / Margot
Siena Margaret
Siena Marguerite
Siena Pearl
Siena Catherine / Katherine
Siena Gabrielle
Siena Monserrat
Siena Joyce
Siena Cosette
Siena Ruth
Siena Patience
Siena Pauline
Siena Blythe
Siena Caroline
Siena Charlotte
Siena Fleur
Siena Christine
Siena Grace
Siena Rae
Siena May / Mae
Siena Maeve
Siena Rachel
Siena Brooke
Siena Joy
Siena Jane / Jayne
Siena Megan
Siena Margo / Margot
Siena Margaret
Siena Marguerite
Siena Pearl
Siena Catherine / Katherine
Siena Gabrielle
Siena Monserrat
Siena Joyce
Siena Cosette
This message was edited 8/13/2006, 7:18 PM
I've been warming to Siena for the same reason Lillian loves it. (St. Veronica's actually my patron saint, but St. Catherine of Siena was really, really cool. :)
Siena Elise is hard for me to say--there's a glottal stop between the two names and that's not very pretty sounding to me.
"That was the thing about aliens that no one ever really expected. They're a bit dull."
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Siena Elise is hard for me to say--there's a glottal stop between the two names and that's not very pretty sounding to me.
"That was the thing about aliens that no one ever really expected. They're a bit dull."
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
For St. Catherine of Siena
I love this name with this spelling (the two N spelling that signifies the color does nothing for me, despite being virtually the same word). St. Catherine of Siena is my patron saint three times over. My favorite combo using Siena is Summer Siena, though; I don't really have one with Siena as the fn.
I like Siena Elise, it's pretty (I'm assuming you only intended one E at the beginning of Elise?).
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
I love this name with this spelling (the two N spelling that signifies the color does nothing for me, despite being virtually the same word). St. Catherine of Siena is my patron saint three times over. My favorite combo using Siena is Summer Siena, though; I don't really have one with Siena as the fn.
I like Siena Elise, it's pretty (I'm assuming you only intended one E at the beginning of Elise?).
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
I'm not fond of it. It looks odd to me, I know it's the correct spelling. I still think it's odd looking like Sienna without one N.
Siena Elise would be better with one E
Siena Rose
Siena Iris
Siena Anne
Siena Jane
Siena Zahra
Siena Joy
~* In Memory of*~: Elizabeth & Abigail Ramierez.
"We all go a little mad sometimes" - Norman Bates in Psycho
Siena Elise would be better with one E
Siena Rose
Siena Iris
Siena Anne
Siena Jane
Siena Zahra
Siena Joy
~* In Memory of*~: Elizabeth & Abigail Ramierez.
"We all go a little mad sometimes" - Norman Bates in Psycho