My DH and I have been considering the name Lucia if the baby we're expecting in September is a girl. (Lucia is for his maternal grandmother, Lucille.) I recently noticed the name Lucina in a baby name book, and it caught my eye. My mother's name is Katrina (known as Tina), and my father's three sisters are Tina, Rina and Nina (way too cutesy, but I love them dearly!), so the -ina ending is particularly appealing to me. On this site, I found that Lucina is a Roman goddess of childbirth. So, what are your opinions on Lucina?
Beautiful! Go for it!
Thank you!
We've been pronouncing it loo-SEE-ah. Coming from a half-Italian family, I love the prn loo-CHEE-ah as well, but I'm sure no one would ever get this right, at least not here in the US. :)
I really think that this would be the best name for you... expecially since you have alot of -ina's to honor.
It is nice! (also love the meaning!)
What mn are you using?
I really think that this would be the best name for you... expecially since you have alot of -ina's to honor.
It is nice! (also love the meaning!)
What mn are you using?