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Re: Josephine
in reply to a message by Suzie
What do you all think about the name Josephine with the nick-name of Josie - I love the name Josephine, Josie is okay as a nn but isnt my favorite
Does Josie sound too much like a dog's name? no
What are some sibsets that would go well with the name Josephine / Josie?
Josephina is okaybut I much prefer JosephineSiblings for Josephine
Alexandra, Catherine, Charlotte, Eleanor, Elisabeth, Felicity, Georgina, Isabella, Louisa, Margaret, Rosemary, Theresa, Victoria
Alexander Benedict, Charles, Daniel, Edward, Lawrence, Michael, Nicholas, Philip, Richard, Sebastian, Theodore, Vincent, William


This message was edited 6/29/2006, 2:37 PM

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