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What do you all think about the name Josephine with the nick-name of Josie? Does Josie sound too much like a dog's name? What are some sibsets that would go well with the name Josephine / Josie?
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It sounds too old-fashioned to me, I prefer Josepha or Josephe. And I prefer Joey to Josie...but I am biased, because I'm a Joey!
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Pop culture noteI am fascinated by how pop culture can really effect the popularity or notoriety of a name... e.g. Josephine: the first thing that pops in my head is La Femme Nikita -- Josephine was her code name. Also with Josie...I think of an all-girl cartoon rock band from the 70s ;)Both are very pretty names and not "doggish" at all...
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What do you all think about the name Josephine with the nick-name of Josie - I love the name Josephine, Josie is okay as a nn but isnt my favorite
Does Josie sound too much like a dog's name? no
What are some sibsets that would go well with the name Josephine / Josie?
Josephina is okaybut I much prefer JosephineSiblings for Josephine
Alexandra, Catherine, Charlotte, Eleanor, Elisabeth, Felicity, Georgina, Isabella, Louisa, Margaret, Rosemary, Theresa, Victoria
Alexander Benedict, Charles, Daniel, Edward, Lawrence, Michael, Nicholas, Philip, Richard, Sebastian, Theodore, Vincent, William


This message was edited 6/29/2006, 2:37 PM

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I adore the name Josephine. Before doing these name sites, I thought no one else but me could love this name. I was so happy to be wrong. Josephine bring to mind (1) the romance of Josephine and Napoleon; and (2) the jazz age fun maturing into civil right activism of Josephine Baker. There's so many levels of emotion for me in this name. Plus, it's just plain fun to say out loud. I'm not crazy about the nn Josie, but it's not bad either. I've seen Sophie used as a nn -- all of the letters are contained in Josephine.Josephina is sweet, although I would tend to spell it Josefina, the Spanish way.
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I think that you should drop JOSEPHINE and just use JOSIE. That is a very cute name for a little girl. I think that Josie would be cute with a BLAINE, COLE, KRISTA, SAMANTHA nn SAMMY, and a REUBEN
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Josephine is a beautiful name, and Josie is nice, too. I don't know where you got the idea that it sounds like a dog's name...-- Sarah
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What do you all think about the name Josephine with the nick-name of Josie? LOVE ITDoes Josie sound too much like a dog's name? NO!What are some sibsets that would go well with the name Josephine / Josie? Josephine, Claudia, and MaryJosephine, Arthur, and PhillipGO ENGLANDGO PORTUGALI Don't care who wins the England V. Portugal match.I'll be happy either way!
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read this too please!!Also what are your thoughts on the name Josephina?
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