Ashley and Ashlee
I've just moved across from the UK to the USA. Ashley is a more common name for boys in England than it is for girls, but I've quickly found out its the opposite over here. I've never even met another Ashley before, with any spelling. My mum used a less common spelling when she named me, Ashlee, just to be different.
Is Ashley or Ashlee that common in the USA? Am I really likely to meet other people with this name?
What do people think of the name Ashley and when its spelt Ashlee.
Is Ashley or Ashlee that common in the USA? Am I really likely to meet other people with this name?
What do people think of the name Ashley and when its spelt Ashlee.
I like the spelling Ashleigh better over Ashley/Ashlee.
Where I live now (NY), I know 0 male Ashleys, but when I lived in SC, it was much more common to meet males named Ashley. Ashlee is considered 100% girl in the US, but since you're from the UK, I think we'll make an exception. ;o) And I see that you've stated most people call you Ash once they get to know you, so I'm not foreseeing any HUGE problems with this. Just expect teachers to look surprised when they call roll & you answer. :o) And if anyone gives you a hard time, you can always tell them than in England, Ashley / Ashlee is a boy's name. (No need to burden them with the truth that it's used on guys and girls, lol).

Im in Australia, if you had moved here you would have been pretty fine, i know 5 male Ashley's, including my ex boyfriend.
Hang in there, i personally love the name Ashley on a boy, if they hassel you, just go by Ash. Its sorta mysterious so you might find a few girls looking at you.
~~* BEX *~~

Coach of 'Bane United'
Hopeful contender for Fantasy Football 2006
My Man Zlatan!
Hang in there, i personally love the name Ashley on a boy, if they hassel you, just go by Ash. Its sorta mysterious so you might find a few girls looking at you.
~~* BEX *~~

Coach of 'Bane United'
Hopeful contender for Fantasy Football 2006
My Man Zlatan!
Well, add another voice to the chorus... Ashley / Ashlee is very popular in the US and used almost exlusively for girls (especially that spelling). So, you might get teased a little bit, or at least people will find it strange.
You do have a few things going for you, though:
1 - There was once a boyband that featured a male singer named Ashley. Recently, the guy got his own reality show, so if any of your classmates watched it, they are more aware of Ashley as a boys' name.
2 - If you're in the upper level classes, you might have a few classmates who've read/see "Gone With the Wind", but that's not espeically likely, sorry.
3 - You're English, complete, I'd hope, with an English accent. Girls will swoon over you. Accents, provided they are understandble, are always cool (well, mostly).
Don't worry though, you'll be find. Before long, no one will even care.
Good luck!

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You do have a few things going for you, though:
1 - There was once a boyband that featured a male singer named Ashley. Recently, the guy got his own reality show, so if any of your classmates watched it, they are more aware of Ashley as a boys' name.
2 - If you're in the upper level classes, you might have a few classmates who've read/see "Gone With the Wind", but that's not espeically likely, sorry.
3 - You're English, complete, I'd hope, with an English accent. Girls will swoon over you. Accents, provided they are understandble, are always cool (well, mostly).
Don't worry though, you'll be find. Before long, no one will even care.
Good luck!

PP adopter! See profile.
You're in for a very rough ride.
Honestly. Ashley you could get away with...but not Ashlee. That is 100% a feminine spelling in the US.
If I were you, I would start going by Ash now - and hide the fact that your name is Ashlee. I'm not sure where in the US you are...but if you're in the midwest, the south, or a small town, you're in for it.
Honestly. Ashley you could get away with...but not Ashlee. That is 100% a feminine spelling in the US.
If I were you, I would start going by Ash now - and hide the fact that your name is Ashlee. I'm not sure where in the US you are...but if you're in the midwest, the south, or a small town, you're in for it.
Thanks tho Siri. That's kind of what I wanted to check. I couldn't really tell how common the different spellings were or whether it really made any difference no matter what the spelling was. I figured that they sound the same so it isn't so bad if someone reads out your name, but when its written down I see what you mean. Are schools okay using shortened versions of names?
We've moved to PA.
Thx again.
Ashlee / Ash LOL
Thanks tho Siri. That's kind of what I wanted to check. I couldn't really tell how common the different spellings were or whether it really made any difference no matter what the spelling was. I figured that they sound the same so it isn't so bad if someone reads out your name, but when its written down I see what you mean. Are schools okay using shortened versions of names?
We've moved to PA.
Thx again.
Ashlee / Ash LOL
You aren't going to be beaten up and shoved in lockers because your name is Ashlee. Other students might this it's odd at first, but they won't care. No need to hide anything.
If you're in PA, you're quite fine.
:-) You'll be teased, but that's it. And yep - English people tend to be almost worshipped in the US, it seems. :-)
:-) You'll be teased, but that's it. And yep - English people tend to be almost worshipped in the US, it seems. :-)
Might not even be teased
Merely questioned a few times. There are so many unusual variant spellings for everything these days, and so many cross-gender sorts of names, I just don't think it's that big a deal. And I'm the mother of teenagers in culturally conservative Texas. I asked my son what he thought, and his answer was typically teen: "Whatever, dude."
I think you'll be fine, and welcome to the USA!
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
Merely questioned a few times. There are so many unusual variant spellings for everything these days, and so many cross-gender sorts of names, I just don't think it's that big a deal. And I'm the mother of teenagers in culturally conservative Texas. I asked my son what he thought, and his answer was typically teen: "Whatever, dude."
I think you'll be fine, and welcome to the USA!
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
Oh LOL. Really... cool. I just posted to Siri thanking him/her for the warning. But there are some others with the same name then and same spelling. Phew! LOL. A bit of teasing doesn't bother me that much to be honest. I got that even in England sometimes, over stuff other than my name lol. But I didn't want to be like in for it all the time either. Usually people call me Ash anyway once they got to know me.
Yes, it is quite common here in the U.S! Although I myself prefer it on a boy (no offense to you, you sound very nice), it is most often used for girls. I know five girls named Ashley.
The only Ashlee I've ever heard of is Ashlee Simpson (the singer), but I'm sure it isn't an uncommon spelling.
LOL, my mom did the same thing *sigh*. She spelled my middle name McKenzie, just because she felt like she was being "origional". Mackenzie is bad enough, thanks. Lol.
Hope I helped,
-Lulu (A U.S resident)
The only Ashlee I've ever heard of is Ashlee Simpson (the singer), but I'm sure it isn't an uncommon spelling.
LOL, my mom did the same thing *sigh*. She spelled my middle name McKenzie, just because she felt like she was being "origional". Mackenzie is bad enough, thanks. Lol.
Hope I helped,
-Lulu (A U.S resident)
LOL, thanks Lulu. I try to be nice lol :)
Yeah I knew Ashlee Simpson was spelt the same way lol. But I didn't know if it was a common spelling or not. Don't you wish mum's would just stick to regular spellings sometimes lol. The way my name is spelt has caused me lots of hassle.
I knew it was more common as a girls name here, but doesn't anyone know any boys called Ashley lol? .... Feeling nervous...
Yeah I knew Ashlee Simpson was spelt the same way lol. But I didn't know if it was a common spelling or not. Don't you wish mum's would just stick to regular spellings sometimes lol. The way my name is spelt has caused me lots of hassle.
I knew it was more common as a girls name here, but doesn't anyone know any boys called Ashley lol? .... Feeling nervous...
I *Have* met one guy named Ashley. I didn't know him well, just met him. Other than that, no it is not at all a common guy name in the U.S, especially with your spelling. But who knows, maybe you'll start some crazy trend, and Ashlee will overtake Jacob in the most popular boy's position.. :)
Oh jeez, I bet yours caused you a hundred times more hassle than my mn. Sorry for the greif of mama kree8ivyty, lol!
Oh jeez, I bet yours caused you a hundred times more hassle than my mn. Sorry for the greif of mama kree8ivyty, lol!
Probably lol. She almost spelled my name Ash-Lee at first, but then decided to be more "conformist" LOL and went with Ashlee.
Ashley as I said is more a boys name in England although my spelling isn't. So it did cause some confusion with people unsure how to spell it and in some cases not sure what sex I was etc LOL.
My mn is less common (in England anyway) and equally vague so this didn't always help.
I love my mum and she's raised me on her own and done a lot for me. But I do wish she had just not had that urge to be so creative lol.
Ashley as I said is more a boys name in England although my spelling isn't. So it did cause some confusion with people unsure how to spell it and in some cases not sure what sex I was etc LOL.
My mn is less common (in England anyway) and equally vague so this didn't always help.
I love my mum and she's raised me on her own and done a lot for me. But I do wish she had just not had that urge to be so creative lol.
Now I know you are a male, reading other posts. I suppose you can just ignore the 'no offense' comment!
Now I know you are a male, reading other posts. I suppose you can just ignore the 'no offense' comment!
LOL... I try not to get too offended no matter what :) Thanks though for saying that anyway! :)
I am an Ashley in the USA, one of thousands. Let me tell you right now, you're going to meet at least one Ashley in the USA, but most likely you will meet more than that. I sometimes wish it was something else, as it's super common. I have a really good friend called this too, not to mention countless acquaintances. I've never personally known any Ashlee, though. People should pronounce it right for you, but expect to have to spell it.
LOL, I never met another Ashley in England, but I know they exist. There is a famous footballer (soccer player to those in the US) who plays for England called Ashley Cole. And there is a guy called Ashley on Coronation Street which is an English soap. My mum decided to spell it Ashlee just to be more different and she thought the -Lee was more masculine looking.
May I ask if you are male? I'm not sure of the secrecy factor on these boards.
I know a ton of Ashley's. A few may spell it Ashlee, I'm not sure. So yes, you are most likely going to meet a another person with this name. I personally don't like the name, esp. spelled Ashlee (no offense or anything).
♥ Kristen ♥
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
Here is where you are
There is where you want to be
But you can't get there from here ♥
♥ Kristen ♥
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
Here is where you are
There is where you want to be
But you can't get there from here ♥