It has a nice sound to it, but it's not a name that I would use.
It's definately a favorite of mine. I love it! I used to think it was a feminine-ish name (and I dislike feminine names for boys) but when I joined the site I started to think otherwise. I definately will name a son this! (Not for a while though, lol)
What do you think of the sibset Gabriel and Zavier? They seem to fit to me. What about you?
future 1st place winner of the USU Piano Fest
future piano student of the esteemed Gary Amano
future music student at USU
future professional pianist!

What do you think of the sibset Gabriel and Zavier? They seem to fit to me. What about you?
future 1st place winner of the USU Piano Fest
future piano student of the esteemed Gary Amano
future music student at USU
future professional pianist!

I've recently actually started liking this name, along with Gabe. I had always thought of Gabriel as a "girly" name, but I read a book with one of the main characters named this and started to like it.
♥ Kristen ♥
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
Here is where you are
There is where you want to be
But you can't get there from here ♥
♥ Kristen ♥
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
Here is where you are
There is where you want to be
But you can't get there from here ♥
I love it, it's always been one of my favorites.
-- Sarah
-- Sarah
i've never liked it, for a boy or a girl.
It's not a girl's name. Are you talking about Gabrielle?
I used to love this name a lot, but I've recently grown a bit tired of it because it's become so popular. Still, I do think it's a great, elegant name.