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Re: Adalind
in reply to a message by ari.
The only time I've ever encountered the name Adalind was on the TV show Grimm, where it belonged to the Hexenbiest (i.e. witch) character Adalind Schade. She started out as a bad guy / Royals loyalist but in the second half of the show did a full 180-turn and joined the good guys, but sometimes it was difficult to forget the truly evil crap she was a party to in the past. Anyway, that's a strong image to have.Trying to separate Adalind from the character... it might be the only name I like with "lind" in it (not a fan of Rosalind, Linda, etc.). I, too, pronounce it with an initial short-A. It's similar to names like Adalyn / Adeline (with a short-I pronunciation), but looks like the "older" version--even if it's actually etymologically different.I'd think Adalind's siblings would have equally Old World European names, like Millicent, Isabeau, Tancred, or Godfrey.***Please rate my personal name"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe." - Carl Sagan


Adalind and Isabeau are perfect, thank you!