We've finally decided we're naming our daughter
Sybil. We are going to use that spelling BTW. We've got some middle name options but I would love if you could give me your opinion on which one we should use. Here is our list.
Sybil Fern DavisSybil Honora DavisSybil Lenora DavisSybil Leonie DavisSybil Linnea DavisSybil Ruth DavisSybil Verity Davis
I'd like to know, do you have one you really like for us? Is there any one or more that we shouldn't even consider? We do have an unintentional pattern with our other daughters. Both of them have L names and names with good meanings so kind of sticking with that theme would be cool but not necessary. Our daughters are
Astrid Lily Davis and
Lark Sylvia Davis.
Thank you for your help