My name is
Anastasiya. It means "resurrection". I don't believe in ressurection so not very fitting.
Things that could fit me better:
- Uyan "resilient, flexible" after what has been going on where I live...
- Elzara "golden nation" I love my country :D
- Tahrir "liberation, release" liberation from propaganda lies- happened to me in 2022
Eleftheria "free" same as Tahrir
Boyka "battle" I will stand for what needs to be stood for
- Slavenka "Slavic" I am Slavic
Azar "fire" in poetic way
Kalyna "guelder rose" extremely symbolic where I live "homeland, family, blood"
- Mirasol "sunflower" also extremely symbolic where I live "peace, resilience"
- Gvozdika "carnation" red carnations in communism stand for the liberation of the proletariat
Irina "peace" I hate war
- Yukhymiya "good soul" I try to be good person
Matrona "lady" I am lady
- Ayshat "living, alive" I am alive (duh)
- Budymyra (hypo f form of Budymyr) "one who spreads peace" I try
Reva "revolution" I would revolt if I needed to, I would not hesitate, if the Maydan was today I would be there
- Zhytomyra (hypo f form of Zhytomyr) "peaceful life" something I would love to have and help others have
I answered this post instead of going sleep :)