Re: Names on my PNL with low community ratings
I don't think of rankings in the 60s as low. Isn't 50 "no opinion" or the mid point? The names that people actively dislike are Unity – 45% and names that English speakers would associate with other things.
Iriney – 43% - spell check kept trying to change this to irony.
Jyrki – 40% - Jerky?
Ljerka – 44% - It sounds like a feminine jerk.
Mirjami - 49% - Eh, not the worst, but it makes me think of being in a jam. From this list, I like Erkan, Rifka, Yaren, and sometimes Vladimir. The others are okay but not my cup of tea.


Names on my PNL with low community ratings  ·  Anya Mel’nik or Mel’nyk  ·  12/17/2024, 4:30 PM
Re: Names on my PNL with low community ratings  ·  TMyers  ·  12/23/2024, 11:31 PM
Re: Names on my PNL with low community ratings  ·  RB Constance  ·  12/18/2024, 10:54 AM
Re: Names on my PNL with low community ratings  ·  Anya Mel’nik or Mel’nyk  ·  12/18/2024, 11:53 AM
Re: Names on my PNL with low community ratings  ·  RB Constance  ·  12/18/2024, 12:37 PM
Re: Names on my PNL with low community ratings  ·  (Is-rah-el) Israelle  ·  12/18/2024, 6:51 AM
Re: Names on my PNL with low community ratings  ·  ari.  ·  12/18/2024, 1:30 AM
Re: Names on my PNL with low community ratings  ·  Anya Mel’nik or Mel’nyk  ·  12/18/2024, 4:02 AM