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Stormy at the airport
Sounds like a bad weather forecast, but while I was getting ready to go to the gate going on vacation with a friend the female cashier's name tag said "stormy" I asked if she was named after something, for example a Pony, and she said that when she was born she hollered loudly and her grandmother said "oh! She has a stormy voice!" And it stuck, due to the fact that she was incorrectly gendered and they were anticipating naming a boy Gavin, or similar. They picked Stormy last minute due to the mixup.Please rate my "Names I would Use" list & "Backup Favorites" list. Feel free to rate some of my other lists too if you have the time.


I'm not a fan of Stormy as a name.
Some cultures have a practice of choosing names based on events surrounding the birth or presumed charactersistics of the baby. Like Isra for a long night birth or something like that. So it makes sense to me.I went to middle school with a Stormy. It's not my favorite word name, but I don't mind it. It's kind of like Misty, Crystal, Destiny to me. I like the word associations I have with it better than Tempest, and it doesn't initially strike me as fanciful like Meriwether does.

This message was edited 12/15/2024, 8:07 PM

I have a friend who named her daughter Harriet nn Harry. Why? The baby was hairy at birth and they thought it was funny.My parents thought my sister was a boy until the day she was born. They ended up with Jessica Sue, although my dad wanted Karis Ann. I wished they'd gone with Karis Ann, then my name (Haven) wouldn't have stuck out so much. My siblings are Chris, Ben, and Jessica. Stormy isn't that bad. I've known a few here and there.

This message was edited 12/15/2024, 10:57 AM

Stormy is an awful name. I've heard of people named Wendy Gail which is almost as bad!
I've met a couple of Stormys/Stormies, both female. I think it's kind of cute, but I would never use it.
Hmm. The yowling of a newborn doesn't sound like any weather I've ever been out in; my association is, unfortunately, with Stormy Daniels, who no doubt chose her professional name for good reasons.
My best friend back in Oklahoma wanted for years to name a kid Storm. She ended up marrying a guy with the last name Flood, so she wisely gave Storm to the dog.
Years and years ago, our nearest neighbors had a male cat named Stormy. He was one of those cats who come up to you and rub all over you pretending to be your best friend and then taking a swipe or a snap at you for the fun of it.
Lol, yeah that's fair. I grew up in the countryside of America so the only Stormys I've known until the Kardashians were equine 🐎
That's just sad... knowing that your name was picked last minute and because of something so small and stupid like a newborn's voice.
A bit misogynistic to don't prepeare "what if name"? Maybe I'm looking too much into it.
Right. Well the doctor's office did tell her parents it would be a boy, but I can't imagine not having a girl name on reserve just in case there was a mistake. I'll try to believe it's not misogynistic undertones and just a lack of foresight due to trusting imperfect medical professionals. But that doesn't sit right with me either.
I agree with you, my thought about misogyny comes from seeing families in real life, who have big preassure about having a son.
Even my long-distance relatives were annoyed by having two girls in row and wanted a proper heir uhh.
"A stormy voice"? Sorry, but I think either someone's pulling her leg or she's pulling yours. That just doesn't sound like something anyone would actually say in real life.In any case, wow, talk about random. I mean, what if she hadn't been so loud and her grandmother had said "Doesn't she have the squishiest little face?" She might have ended up Squishy.
I can't remember her exact wording she said to be fair, but something to do with the sound of a newborns cries being associated with "stormy" in some capacity. It's possible you are right though.