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names from my graduation


All interesting, some spectacular! From the bottom up:
Stella Joan is like time travel; she should go to work by tram
Nadezda is charming
Rowan doesn't work for a girl, but as a middle name, who cares?
Lucy, an all-time favourite and soon to be my son's second puppy
Anthoneil is appalling
Hartland Hamish is astounding: like a character in, oh dear, I forget the author's name - American, short story writer, used the present tense, someone please remind me! I do like Hamish.
George Elliot looks so wrong with two Ls in Elliot!
I love Eve and Miranda, together and separately
Florence is good
Deborah is good too, but Guadalupe?
I love Daisy, Frances, Christabel and Juliet, though I'd use Francis (m) rather than Frances (f). Daisy Bee sounds like a species.
May I ask where this school is located? I love the eclecticism of these names.My favorites:Christabel
Eve Miranda
Iseult Sophie
Sophie Scheherazade (wow!)I also love Delphine and Dagmar.
Oxford. Sophie Scheherazade also has an absurdly long, very rare surname beginning with S. It's such a fabulous full name.
Ah, that makes sense! Congratulations on graduating!
thank you :)!