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Opinion on names for triplet girls.
Sadie Susanna
Jacklyn Joanna
Halle HosannaIt is intentional that the middle names start with the same letter as the first name, rhyme and come from the Bible.


I like the idea of the alliteration. I don't mind the rhyming middles since they are middle names and rarely used.I'm not crazy about the first names, especially together. The styles are very different. I would go with Jacqueline instead of Jacklyn. Good Luck!
The only name that I like from the bunch is Sadie Susanna; both are classy-sounding names that are criminally underused. I'm a triplet myself (though, we are all boys)...and I can tell you, having very similar-sounding names can get confusing! I recommend getting creative and having a little individuality with your daughter's names. I'd suggest Sadie Susanna, Megan Miriam, and Laura Lydia; they all have a biblical middle name, first names of the same letter-length (another way to connect them, maybe?), and have first/middle names that start with the same letter.
I can’t imagine how hard it is to choose 3 names. The middles names are great. I can see why you chose them and while they aren’t my style, middles should be something meaningful to you. The first names I love love love Sadie. It’s modern and fresh but an older style name coming back. Halle is too though I much prefer Hallie for the spelling. Jacklyn seems a very different style to the other two and bit old fashioned. Maybe a bit 70s 80s. I’ve never been a fan of odd spelling either. If you choose to
Keep this go with the traditional spelling. Good luck with your choices
Sadie is a nickname, Jacklyn is a spelling fiasco and I can't guarantee how to pronounce Halle: I use the German pronunciation, but others may not. Hosanna is ludicrous: you might as well name her Yay. Susannah would be preferable; Susanna looks unfinished.What about Sarah Susannah, Jacqueline Joanna and Helen Hilaria? I still dislike them, but they are an improvement.
Technically it should be Susannah, because that is the biblical spelling. I like the idea of Susannah, Jemimah and Hannah or Hadassah. I do love Hosanna though. The first names just don’t go together at all. Sadie is a very old name currently having a resurgence, Jacklyn is VERY dated and quite boring and Halle is more of a modern name. Salome was a great biblical figure, she was the sister of Mary, therefore Jesus’ aunt, was married to Zebedee and she and her two sons, James and John, followed Jesus during his travels, supporting him. She was at the cross when he died and at the tomb when it was discovered he had risen again. What a lady!What about:
Sadie Susannah, Salome Susannah or Selah Susannah
Joy Joanna, Jasmine Joanna or Joy Jemimah
Hazel Hannah, Hope Hadassah or Haven Hosanna
I dislike them all a hell of a lot!The rhyme and the starting with the same letter, imho, is really horrible and dare I say tacky. I'd find it very embarrassing.I strongly dislike Sadie, it gives me the creeps. It's little girly and sadistic, slimy and mean-girl vibes all in one package. It's one of my most disliked names. Susanna is my name, I have always thought it was ok and I do get compliments on it - but it needs a strong name combo and combined with other S sounds I do think it sounds slimey. Too much S.Jacklyn is not nice. I do not like any form of Jacqueline, but at least the spelling there is ok. Joanna is ok but not my style.I dislike Halle a lot. Hosanna does not appeal to me in the slightest and gives a certain vibe I would avoid.All in all, most combos are not good and the only name I "like" (because it's my name) is Susanna.
I like the name Susanna and Hosanna is nice.
I know all of the names were picked intentionally, but I still don’t like them, sorry. I agree with RB Constance that they’re very cheesy.
Sadie, Jacklyn, and Halle are fine. I like the idea of Biblical or otherwise meaningful middle names, but I would go with my favorite Biblical characters and forget about the rhyme. Alliteration can be hit or miss, and combined with the rhyming middle names, the sibling set comes across as cheesy.How about Hadassah (Esther's Hebrew name) in place of Hosanna, which is an expression of praise rather than a character? Other characters you might like Deborah, Lydia, Yael, Elisabeth, Mary / Maria, Priscilla, Phoebe.

This message was edited 8/17/2024, 12:08 PM

I was set on Joanna because she is one of my favorite women in the bible. And I love the meaning of Hosanna. My husband came up with the idea of making them rhyme. He chose Susanna because she is another great woman in the Bible.
Yes, Joanna and Susanna were good women, but that doesn't make the rhyme idea less cringy. I would suggest saying the names outloud multiple times, and thinking of triplets as three individual people going through their teenage years and adulthood.
The first names don't go well together and Jacklyn is the odd one out name having no E ending and sound. With the mn i don't like hosanna as a name

This message was edited 8/17/2024, 11:21 AM

What do you mean Jacklyn has an E ending and sound? It's pronounced Jack-lin.
Oops i meant the only one without an E ending and sound
I only like Jaclyn, which doesn't follow the same style or sound as Sadie and Halle do.
Halle Hosanna runs the risk of sounding like a greeting or cheer of some sort, like Hail Hosanna or Howdy Hosanna.I'd try and stick with one style for the first names. If they're meant to follow Jacklyn's style I might do Shelly Susannah and Heather Hosanna.
If I was shooting for the same style as Sadie and Halle I might do Jessie Joanna.