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Carter & Quaid
These are the names of two unrelated people I have come across this week. I could however see Carter and Quaid as brothers too. WDYT of Carter and Quaid?Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from


I like Carter, but not Quaid. It depends on where you live, but for my region he would definitely be made fun of for a name like that. what about Cade/ Kade??
When I saw the title, I thought they didn't go together. The only similarity I see is the beginning sounds are similar and they can both be last names, but stylistically, Quaid is too different for the common Carter.
I like Carter, but don't like Quaid.
I admire Quaid for pushing the envelope on surname names a bit. I remember, back in the 90s when these names were just taking off in the mainstream naming world, I imagined a future where people would get an appreciation for ever more unusual surnames and first names, like Yasinski and Tezuka and, sure, Quaid. I was so hopeful!Carter is very boring to me, no different than Parker or Harper. It feels very "mean rich kid from a Disney show made in 1998" so I guess that must mean it's vintage cool?
I'm not a fan of Carter. It makes me think of the phrase "cart her" (back in the day, female prostitutes and witches used to be put on carts to transport them to their punishment).As far as Quaid is concerned, I think of the acting Quaid brothers. I much prefer the Quade spelling. It sounds pretty cool and edgy. I guess Carter and Quaid could be brothers.
Quade seems more like an alternate spelling of Cade.
Cade and Quade may sound similar but they have different origins and meanings.
NarrI have a relative named Carter, and it's a fine enough name, but not anything I'm particularly fond of.Quaid is ugly to me.Don't like Carter & Quaid as siblings, and though they have things in common, I don't think they really suit each other.
dont like either
Carter is just another profession and just another ln. Quaid, however - wow! Really exciting, like something/someone out of medieval Scotland or Ireland - Celtic and proud of it! Not 'just another' anything at all. As for Carter and Quaid being brothers, I can't help sympathising with Carter when faced with such a remarkable fn, and having such a dull one himself.
Quaid is a very cool name!! I would totally use it! I also enjoy the name Carter, but I feel like it pales in comparison to Quaid.
Both are cute, but I would never use them. They do sound like they could be brothers.

This message was edited 6/20/2024, 6:25 AM