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Re: Alexandria, Penelope or Appolonia?
in reply to a message by Guest
This is my subjective opinion and I am trying to share it respectfully.
But If I hurt anyone's feelings I apologize in advance Penelope - I never liked this name and don't understand why it's gaining popularity in English-speaking countries. Maybe a non-native speaker can't understand, but I think this name is overrated. Alexandria - Alexandria is very elegant and I really like place names. Alexandria is classy and beautiful sounding, it sounds mature and if the length bothers you I can think of some shorter nicknames: Ria, Andria, Andra, Alexa, AlexandraApollonia - my favorite very elegant rare and unique sounding. It can't be really shorten to a nice nickname which doesn't bother because the name is so beautiful in full lengh. I like Apollonia as a middle name

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