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Twin Girls: Allison and Eliza
I know a twin girl set named Allison and Eliza. Both redheads. Their mom once told me if she had known they were going to be redheads she would have picked Rose and Ruby instead. She said her process was that she and DH knew they liked Allison enough to use so they tried to brainstorm names that would sound good with it for the second. I think Allison and Eliza hits that mark of sounding good together, good middle ground for twins where they flow okay without being overly matchy. I'm not personally a fan of naming a redhead kid a red-themed name personally, unless it is less obvious to the average person, like Adam. I think Allison and Eliza would serve them better in life than Rose and Ruby would have tbh. Though individually I do like Allison, Rose and Ruby. Never been a huge fan of Eliza though. I also wouldn't much want to be the twin whose name was just picked on sounding good with their first choice either but that's just me. Maybe I'm too sensitive and put too much stock in naming backstories.Please rate my "Names I would Use" list & "Backup Favorites" list. Feel free to rate some of my other lists too if you have the time.

This message was edited 3/5/2024, 9:49 AM

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Those names sound very nice together!
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right, I do think they have very different styles and vibes like others have said, and I am not particularly into Eliza, but I do think the sound of them together is nice.
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I don’t think their styles are THAT different. They’re both still very modern, yet classic-sounding. I’d be more concerned/confused if they’d done Allison and Andromeda or something.
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I like both Allison and Eliza but I don't think I would pair them
together. I prefer style cohesion. It's the way my mind works. I consider Allison as a "New Classic" whereas Eliza is a member of the "Vintage Charm" group.Allison would be better with a sister named Natalie, Jessica, Meredith, Bethany, Samantha, Miranda or Vanessa.Eliza,on the other hand, would be well matched with a sister named Phoebe, Flora, Lucy, Charlotte, Daphne, Clementine or Georgia.
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I relate to this
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It's pretty silly to name a baby after its hair color, since hair color so often changes over time, sometimes very dramatically. My husband was born with dark hair and ended up a blond; one of his sisters had hair so sparse and pale it looked like she didn't have any at all till she was three or four and is now also blond. The other sister had dark hair, turned blond and is now a strawberry blond, closer to red.Ruby and Rose are both nice names but feel gimmicky if they both have red hair. Matchy-matchy even if they don't.I like Allison, don't like Eliza. I don't think they really sound that great together. Eliza is too Colonial/revolutionary/plantation to be a fit with Allison. Elizabeth would have worked better, or Alice and Eliza.
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right, a perfect example of this is my cousin Melanie who was born with very dark hair. Later it fell out and it came back in honey blonde. go figure. (I have no idea if that was just a coincidence of her naming or not though, if it was intended that's a little funny)
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I used to find Allison very dull, but a few years ago I met a very nice, older Alison, and then I read a great book written in the 1950s with a character called Allison, so that really lifted the name's value for me. I think I prefer the spelling to be either Alison or Allyson, but that's just me being picky.If I think of Allison in the medieval sort of sense, it works well with Eliza (although I'm not sure Eliza was used in the middle ages, it just has that antiquated patina to it). I kinda wish it was Elissa, but I also kinda like how they have their own distinct energy. Ruby and Rose would be pretty twee on twins, if they are together (like "these are my children, Ruby and Rose"). If they are separate it's totally fine. I do love both names too!
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oh I think I disagree there. I think Allison and Elissa would be too similar then. Almost Allison and Alyssa which is in the Too Matchy territory. Agree on your thoughts of Ruby and Rose exactly. I also appreciate that Allison and Eliza have their own unique energy.
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I like both names but they have different styles and vibes
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Allison is very pedestrian and bland beside Eliza, which I don't particularly care for but certainly prefer to Allison. Weird sibset!
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Agreed, Allison ik has a fair amount of history but it still has a modern vibe to me. Like a girl about to go play tennis in a matching set in 1997. Allison feels like the sister to Stephanie and Heather. Not old yet but of a specific age group. Eliza feels more classic western. Like a pioneer name to me. A girl in a bonnet leading her cow on the Organ Trail. wildly different settings and vibes overall.

This message was edited 3/5/2024, 11:58 AM

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