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Donna and Donald wdyt? nt
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I like Donald but it was ruined for me by Trump. Donna is awesome tho; plus it’s the name of my favorite Doctor Who companion. :)
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I don’t like Donald that much. I can’t help but think of the cartoon duck.
Donna is okay. Growing up it was my best friends moms name and she was a very nice lady. I associate the name with her— a born in the 50s suburban mom ( now grand mom) who is sweet and kind.
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Donald is a fine name and Donna is too. I like how Donna means “lady”.
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I don't like Donald and I'm neutral about Donna.
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Donald is actually really fun, and I'm miffed that it's so strongly tied to one very specific person now. Donna is pretty bland, but it's calm and lovely in its own quiet way. In terms of midcentury beige names, it's one of the nicer ones.
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Hate Donald. Never liked it. Same with Ronald. Don is fine, just not into the way Donald sounds. I think of Donald Duck, 45, McDonald's, just... pass.Donna is not my favorite but I do like it, it's fun. I feel like if "Karens" had an opposite, they would be "Donnas." Has a laidback feel. You'd like to hang out with Donna. Donna sounds like a good time.
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Donna is okay for an older lady but not really a good name. Donald has been comical and unusable for a long time, it was a cartoon duck and then it was Trump. Donatella? Donnelly? Donovan?
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Donald has become a one-owner name for me, and given my opinion of that owner, I can only hope the name disappears from public view, followed closely by that owner. I didn't mind it when it was mostly a duck - Daisy is a favourite - but recent events are too much.Donna seems a bit repetitive, like naming a girl Girl. But, the song from Hair is good!
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Donna is ok, but the other is Trump
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I don't like either
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Donna means “woman “ in my first language and Donald is too Trump or Duck.
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