Pronounced similar to
It's an okay name. I don't like it as its not my style, but its not bad. I like the re-nah pronunciation more than ray-nah, but I don't automatically read it as ray-nah, it seems more like an American thing (like
Reagan being pronounced ray-gun rather than ree-gAn)
As it's relatively short, I'd opt for a longer middle name. To avoid repetitiveness, I'd take care not to repeat sounds - so no middle names beginning with r- or a- or ending with -a or -r sounds.
Reyna ElizabethReyna Gwendolyn Reyna PenelopeReyna PersephoneReyna GabrielleReyna HermioneReyna SuzanneReyna LorraineReyna Josephine
Or if those are too normal for you, something like;
Reyna Nightingale
Reyna DelphineReyna Wednesday Reyna Zephyrine
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