What do you think of Burton?
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I live near Burton-on-Trent so it just sounds like a place to me not a person.
Don't like it at all
It's very much a last name to me. Around here it's pretty common, and prominent. There's a Chevy dealership called IG Burton, and I believe an appliance center called Burton Brothers.
I kind of like the name Bert (that spelling) as a friendly, uncle-ish kind of name. But also because of Sesame Street.
I kind of like the name Bert (that spelling) as a friendly, uncle-ish kind of name. But also because of Sesame Street.
I heard it on a dog the other day, and I thought it was a cute dog name.
It took me awhile to place it, but apart from the very ordinary lnfn old-man vibe, it reminds me mainly of Tim Burton and a little of Richard Burton. So it seems kind of Hollywood-glamorous in a quirky ironic way, which makes it cute for a pet.
On a dog it's pretty cute. Definitely not the typical Max or Tucker.
I've also seen the spelling Berton, on a writer named Berton Roueche who was famous for his true stories of medical mysteries. I recommend them.
I've also seen the spelling Berton, on a writer named Berton Roueche who was famous for his true stories of medical mysteries. I recommend them.