What do you think of Aaron?
5/10 It's ok
I’ve always loved this name and it’s come up often through our pregnancies. That said, I’ve got four sons and still never used it! I thought about using it for DS#4, who was born in April, because we have a Moses and I thought it could be cute to use Aaron too! It’s just a bit too common and standard for me.
This came up as an option for us, although I'm not sure if my husband was sold. My SIL had Aaron Michael picked out for a boy.
It's a good name. It's like the American version of Simon - a name that is always around.
It's a good name. It's like the American version of Simon - a name that is always around.
I've heard ARRan and AIRan, which is a bit of a nuisance. And then there's the old joke about the Irish person with a Jewish spouse - they had boy-girl twins and named them Aaron and Erin. I'd assume either very religious parents, or people who love -an names like Brendan and Ethan as well as standards like Stephen and Robin.