Re: Eloise / Elodie thought bubble
I think this is a “cross that bridge when you get there” type of issue. This is all hinging on so many things: you have kids at all, you specifically have two girls, your taste remains the same, and your partner has the same taste in names (or recognizes your name nerdiness and gives you full rein). Also, who knows what social phenomena will come up: will an infamous political or entertainment figure rise up making certain names less desirable? Will a literary character drive up the popularity of a certain name? All of that being said, I have a friend with two nieces named Adelaide. Sister A had long loved the name and mentioned she would give her daughter this name to Sister B who was further along in her pregnancy than Sister A. Sister B chose that name when her daughter was born, which was seen as a jerk move by most of the family. Rather than be deterred, Sister A still used the name. I think the grandparents refer to them as the full name - Adelaide (middle name A) and Adelaide (middle name B).
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Eloise / Elodie thought bubble  ·  Dianatiger  ·  12/21/2021, 5:14 AM
Re: Eloise / Elodie thought bubble  ·  Melody02  ·  12/22/2021, 11:13 AM
Re: Eloise / Elodie thought bubble  ·  Dianatiger  ·  12/22/2021, 1:16 PM
Re: Eloise / Elodie thought bubble  ·  Pelops  ·  12/21/2021, 9:05 PM
Re: Eloise / Elodie thought bubble  ·  TheArtemisMoon  ·  12/21/2021, 2:53 PM
Re: Eloise / Elodie thought bubble  ·  Kerilyntaryn21  ·  12/21/2021, 12:46 PM
Re: Eloise / Elodie thought bubble  ·  Theodora'sMommy  ·  12/21/2021, 9:19 AM
Re: Eloise / Elodie thought bubble  ·  Ninor  ·  12/21/2021, 5:22 AM
Re: Eloise / Elodie thought bubble  ·  Dianatiger  ·  12/21/2021, 5:28 AM