Hi !!!
WDYTO these names?
Hernando LuisArístides Izan /
Izán HipólitoAgustínJuan Manuel AndrésFelipe PlácidoMoisésVenceslás
Adelita ManuelaAzucena Alicia Balbina Isidora FranciscaReyna Bethania
I personally like:
Azucena because it's lovely nature-themed.
Hernando (but also
Hernán) because they are Medieval.
Izán (I prefer it with á according to the Spanish grammar) because it's particular but also simple.
Hipólito because it's a funny character in a TV series that I used to watch (
El secreto de Puente Viejo).
Francisca same as above (same TV series).
Reyna because it's a character in a book series (
Rick Riordan's books) named
Reyna Ávila Ramírez-Arellano (R.A.R.A.). I personally prefer
Andrés my long-time favourite but currently boring.
Plácido because of the opera tenor.
Bethania as for
Izan it's particular.
Personal Name Lists