It's a bit dated still, but it's kind of old enough now that you probably haven't met one. I think if you looked it's probably still around as a middle name. Which if I was to use it, would probably be how I'd use it.
I think Johanna/Joanna is more common (and if you were pronouncing it with the YO- opening I much prefer), but in the single syllable English pronunciation I think Joan is probably liable to come back in the next 10-15 years depending on broader trends
I think Johanna/Joanna is more common (and if you were pronouncing it with the YO- opening I much prefer), but in the single syllable English pronunciation I think Joan is probably liable to come back in the next 10-15 years depending on broader trends
I like Joan, too - and I like the nickname Joanie. It's terribly dated here in the U.S., but I wonder if it might come back in about 30 years or so.
Don't really like it, ok as a mn
Very pretty and steady and it isn't as common as Jane.
I love Joan. It's sleek and silvery, vampish but capable of concealing it (for day-to-day activities).
I remember I used to think it was JO-ann. The name is classic, and fairly pretty. I really like the Joan of Arc association. Strong name for a girl.