Dreams, in general, are usually gone from my memory when I wake up. In fact I think there are many nights when I don't dream at all; but when I do dream, the dream has to be pretty out-there for me to remember it, or at least have an element that departs greatly from my reality.
Name dreams are uncommon for me, though I've had them before. The main names I can remember are feminine: Clarissa (in that dream it was a place, not a person), and the combo Aline Minerva (pronounced ay-leen, with a long-A). Now I have another name I can add to this very small group:
Here's the thing, though: I dislike Edith. A lot. I don't even like Edie, and Eden is... eh. I like Edith better than Edna, but that is damning with
very faint praise.
Yet in this dream, this was the name I had chosen for my daughter. And I
loved it! The way it looked, the way it sounded. I think I recall a nagging in the back of my mind during the dream, like a thought asking, "Wait, what the heck? You hate Edith!" But I shut that thought out and marveled at... I think the birth announcement. I forget what I was writing in the dream, but that might've been it. And I was happy! (I can't recall if there was a husband, too; but I think everyone in the dream was happy.) The letters were also very pink and girly in the dream (not unlike magnets I used to see for Erica in souvenir shops), which is not the impression Edith usually imparts on me (red and stern).
Then I woke up and wondered, "Well... do I like Edith now?" I returned to the name throughout today and...
Nope. Still hate Edith. Don't know what the heck dream-me was thinking.
Has this ever happened to anybody else?
Please rate my personal name lists:
This message was edited 9/10/2021, 1:28 PM