I'm suddenly charmed by Justine. I know it's dated in the US (and maybe France, too?), but I've encountered it several times in French movies lately and can't stop thinking about it. I kind of love that it's both the name of a Sade heroine and a familiar trans-continental name. In one of the aforementioned movies, Justine was called Juju affectionately, which I also love.
Some combos, of course:
Justine Eulalia / Eulalie
Justine Rosamond / Rosemonde
Justine Flavia
Justine Olympia
Justine Perpetua
Justine Corisande
Justine Melisande / Millicent
Justine Meroflede
Justine Beatrice
Justine Cecily
Justine Sibylla / Sibyl / Sibylle
Justine Cybele
Justine Fortunata
Justine Herais
Justine Sylvia
Justine Marguerite
Justine Isadora / Isidora
Justine Viveca
Justine Violette
Justine Iris
Justine Alix
Justine Primula
Justine Fiammetta
Justine Ismene
Justine Iseult / Yseult
Justine Fabiola
Justine Clarice
Justine Opal
Justine Pearl
Justine Ruby
Justine Cosima
Justine Elektra
Justine Eloise