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Re: Top 10 for July!
I tend to pop on here in the summers these days, so my most recent top 10 was from last August (, and the most recent time before that was December 2016 lmaoAnyway!Top 10 for July 2021Boys1. Remy (still my #1 for boys right now, I just love it)
2. Eben
3. Leon
4. Wesley
5. August
6. Lucan
7. Corvo (
8. Bram
9. Gabriel
10. GawainGirls1. Lyra
2. Eseld
3. Zella
4. Theodosia
5. Charlotte
6. Artemisia
7. Ourania
8. Edurne
9. Ilona
10. MinaFavorite Combos atmRemy Wesley William
Eben August Corentin
Leon Lucan GabrielEseld Charlotte Ourania
Lyra Artemisia Leigh
Zella Rhoda Theodosia
Mina Clara Eydis
My PNL = William and Eloise (main) / Idris & Briar (GP) / James & Charlotte (top25)
Bottom: Galahad and Ninniane (main) / Dinadan & Ninniane (GP) / Corvo & Deva (top25)

This message was edited 7/1/2021, 12:33 PM

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Oh wow, that's quite the gap! Lol, welcome back.Of your list, I like:Wesley
Eseld (not enough people seem to know about this name - it's my favorite Isolde variant)
Mina (usually as a nickname for Wilhelmina)
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I feel I should like Remy more than I do. It's nice, but not my style, but I feel I should appreciate some aspect of it more than I do.
I like August, Bram and Gabriel.I also like Lyra, Artemisia and Mina. Artemisia made it onto my list this month too, I normally think it's a bit too... I dunno... but it really appeals to me at the moment.Mina Clara Eydis is neat.
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