Does Carole sound too dated to your ears? Do you like it? What do you think of these combos? If you had to make a Carole combo, what would it be?
Carole Quinn (too close to Carole King?)
Carole Teresa
Carole Antonia
Carole Francisca
Carole Stargazer
Carole Suzanne
What do you think of the nn Caro? (I dislike Carrie, so she'd be Caro or nothing.)
Also--WDYT of James nn Jackie? James Hawkeye nn Jackie?
Array (musically yours)
She had fallen against the windows, which were pressed against the windows, which were pressed against the old oak near across the age of the old Aunt Sophronia--was almost dreadful enough to walk on.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Carole Quinn (too close to Carole King?)
Carole Teresa
Carole Antonia
Carole Francisca
Carole Stargazer
Carole Suzanne
What do you think of the nn Caro? (I dislike Carrie, so she'd be Caro or nothing.)
Also--WDYT of James nn Jackie? James Hawkeye nn Jackie?
Array (musically yours)
She had fallen against the windows, which were pressed against the windows, which were pressed against the old oak near across the age of the old Aunt Sophronia--was almost dreadful enough to walk on.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
I don't like it much, and can't decide if I prefer Carol or Carole. I actually prefer Caroline, which I adore, but I seem to remember you hating it.
Carole Teresa and Carole Suzanne are my favorites.
I love James, but loathe Jackie (and Jack, for that matter). James Hawkeye "Jackie" is not atrocious but I don't love it.
Carole Teresa and Carole Suzanne are my favorites.
I love James, but loathe Jackie (and Jack, for that matter). James Hawkeye "Jackie" is not atrocious but I don't love it.
Carole is my middle name. I've never really been keen on it, it sounds too old in my opinion. How about Carole Maria, to honour me? ;-) [/ego trip]
BTW, I pronounce it CAH-ruhl.
I like the Caro nickname, never thought of that one before! And I like James, but I'm not that keen on the NN Jackie. I prefer Jim. Hawkeye is a little too super-hero-y for my tastes.
- Maria
BTW, I pronounce it CAH-ruhl.
I like the Caro nickname, never thought of that one before! And I like James, but I'm not that keen on the NN Jackie. I prefer Jim. Hawkeye is a little too super-hero-y for my tastes.
This message was edited 5/16/2006, 6:57 AM
Yes, it's dated to me, but I don't care for that era of names in general (Karen, Debbie, Janet, etc.). The -e on the end does spice it up a bit, and it brings to mind Carole King (which I'm assuming is the point :b), which is nice. And "A Christmas Carole" LOL. I like nn Caro much more than Carrie, which I don't care for much at all. Of your combos, I like Carole Antonia and Carole Suzanne best for flow. Carole Quinn is a little too close to Carole King imo, but also I just hate to see Quinn on girls, even if it's a mn. I love it too much on boys. :-/
BTW, James Hawkeye nn Jackie could definitely work.

BTW, James Hawkeye nn Jackie could definitely work.

This is a family name of mine. So ummm....I think of my mom. I guess I have always really seen it as a "mom" type name. However I can see the appeal of it. I have been thinking of calling a daughter Carolina. However there was a Carol on a tv show was it Smallville. The Carole's I've known are extreamly hard working, family orientated, the heart of the family, with high end style. I much prefer Carole as opposed to Carol.
Carole does seem a tad dated, however, it redeems itself when it ends with an 'e.' Carol doesn't look finished; Carole does. Of your combos, I like Carole Suzanne best, I suppose because they're both French.
I do like Caro but confess it makes me think of Karo Syrup.
I like Jack very much but not Jackie. I once knew a guy who was Jackie, Jr. His father went by Jack but he got stuck with Jackie and hated it. And I'd prefer Jack/Jackie as a nn for John or even Jonathan rather than James.
I do like Caro but confess it makes me think of Karo Syrup.
I like Jack very much but not Jackie. I once knew a guy who was Jackie, Jr. His father went by Jack but he got stuck with Jackie and hated it. And I'd prefer Jack/Jackie as a nn for John or even Jonathan rather than James.
I agree!
I love Carolyn, Caroline, and Carol (KER-ul), but Carole is kar-OLE, right? I don't really like the latter. There's certainly nothing wrong with it, though. I think it would be great on a kid today.
From your list, I like:
Carole Quinn
Carole Teresa
Carole Antonia
Carole Suzanne
I like Carrie, Caro is okay. James Hawkeye, "Jackie," is a good name, I think.
-- Sarah
From your list, I like:
Carole Quinn
Carole Teresa
Carole Antonia
Carole Suzanne
I like Carrie, Caro is okay. James Hawkeye, "Jackie," is a good name, I think.
-- Sarah
I pronounce it CAH-ruhl (it's my middle name). I'm English, though.
- Maria
Nope, Carole would be just like Carol in this case...
Perhaps the proper French pronunciation is kar-OLE, but since the name would be in honour of Carole King, any Carole of mine would pronunce her name CARE-ull. :)
She had fallen against the windows, which were pressed against the windows, which were pressed against the old oak near across the age of the old Aunt Sophronia--was almost dreadful enough to walk on.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Perhaps the proper French pronunciation is kar-OLE, but since the name would be in honour of Carole King, any Carole of mine would pronunce her name CARE-ull. :)
She had fallen against the windows, which were pressed against the windows, which were pressed against the old oak near across the age of the old Aunt Sophronia--was almost dreadful enough to walk on.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
I don't find Carole to be dated at all, but I've never met/heard/seen a Carole before so I don't have any young/old associations with it. Out of your list I prefer Carole Teresa (although I think my favorite is Lillian's suggestion of Carole Maureen), but I really dislike the nn Caro. For one thing I can't say it. I just automatically put the "le" at the end when I try to pronounce it, and it's not much of a nickname if its only missing the "le" sound. Plus, I'm not partial to nns. I think you should name a child what you plan on calling them, espcially for releatively short names like Carole.
I like Caroline (-LINE) or Carolina (-LEEna) myself, but I have a tendency to flowery, frilly, girly-girl names. Carole doesn't sound particularly dated to me, it just doesn't appeal that much (though the only Carol's I know are all 50+yo). However, I do like Carole Quinn (no I don't think it's too close to Carole King - but would that be a bad thing, honestly? no).
I really like Carole Antonia the best from your list, but when I say it out loud it sounds like Carole-Anne Tonia. Maybe it's my Texas twang. We have to part ways on Carole Stargazer, darlin, just not somethin I would pick. But if it works for you, so much the better.
Incidentally, how do these strike you?
Carole Mallory
Carole Maureen
Carole Kathleen
Carole Nicole
Carole Patrice
Carole Rebecca
Carole Simone
Carole Margaret
Ordinarily I despise the mn Nicole, but here it's different. I have a strong affinity for alliteration and assonance.
I don't think I would use either Caro or Carrie, honestly. She'd be Carole or something non-name-derived. Like Booger. No, I don't know. Caro's okay, I guess, I just can't hear myself sayin it, and isn't that always the bottom line? *LOL*
I really like Carole Antonia the best from your list, but when I say it out loud it sounds like Carole-Anne Tonia. Maybe it's my Texas twang. We have to part ways on Carole Stargazer, darlin, just not somethin I would pick. But if it works for you, so much the better.
Incidentally, how do these strike you?
Carole Mallory
Carole Maureen
Carole Kathleen
Carole Nicole
Carole Patrice
Carole Rebecca
Carole Simone
Carole Margaret
Ordinarily I despise the mn Nicole, but here it's different. I have a strong affinity for alliteration and assonance.
I don't think I would use either Caro or Carrie, honestly. She'd be Carole or something non-name-derived. Like Booger. No, I don't know. Caro's okay, I guess, I just can't hear myself sayin it, and isn't that always the bottom line? *LOL*
Too close to Carole King is never a bad thing for me, ha. She's one of my favourite singers of all time--ever since my mother bought a copy of the Tapestry album on CD back when I was twelve. I absolutely love her. :) And for some reason, I love Quinn on a girl as a middle name. I suppose I love the TV show Daria a tidge too much, lol.
And these strike me this way:
Carole Mallory~ I like the repeated L's, but I'm not sure about Mallory. I do love Valerie, though. :) Carole Valerie sounds straight out of the 60s--how fun!
Carole Maureen~ I love Maureen, too! Carole Maureen is one I'll have to consider.
Carole Kathleen~ I have a dear friend named Kathleen, so I do like the name a great deal. This one appeals to me.
Carole Nicole~ I simply cannot warm up to Nicole. I grew up in the 90s--I know so many, and most of them were the mean girls. It's too tainted for me.
Carole Patrice~ One I'll have to think about.
Carole Rebecca~ My youngest sister is a Ruby Rebecca, so Carole Rebecca appeals immensely. :)
Carole Simone~ I like it on first glance--another I'll have to think about.
Carole Margaret~ I've been thinking about Carole Margaretta and Carole Margarethe, since both have been used in my family. And in the corner of my mind, there's a rallying cry for Carole Margalo, but that's hard to say, lol.
And these strike me this way:
Carole Mallory~ I like the repeated L's, but I'm not sure about Mallory. I do love Valerie, though. :) Carole Valerie sounds straight out of the 60s--how fun!
Carole Maureen~ I love Maureen, too! Carole Maureen is one I'll have to consider.
Carole Kathleen~ I have a dear friend named Kathleen, so I do like the name a great deal. This one appeals to me.
Carole Nicole~ I simply cannot warm up to Nicole. I grew up in the 90s--I know so many, and most of them were the mean girls. It's too tainted for me.
Carole Patrice~ One I'll have to think about.
Carole Rebecca~ My youngest sister is a Ruby Rebecca, so Carole Rebecca appeals immensely. :)
Carole Simone~ I like it on first glance--another I'll have to think about.
Carole Margaret~ I've been thinking about Carole Margaretta and Carole Margarethe, since both have been used in my family. And in the corner of my mind, there's a rallying cry for Carole Margalo, but that's hard to say, lol.
Carole Margalo intrigues
and I'm pleased you liked some of my ideas! (Don't blame you about the Nicole thing, I knew I was reaching...)
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
and I'm pleased you liked some of my ideas! (Don't blame you about the Nicole thing, I knew I was reaching...)
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
Hey, where'd Jayne go? You didn't have him long!
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
Hey, where'd Jayne go? You didn't have him long!
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
I personally don't care for the name Carole but if I heard it on a young child I wouldn't think it was dated. I would think it was fresh and surprising.
Carole Quinn - actually, it does make me think of Carole King...
Carole Teresa - It's nice enough.
Carole Antonia - very pretty
Carole Francisca - I think I like this one the best with Carole Antonia the runner-up
Carole Stargazer - well, it sounds a bit like the name of a pyschic you'd reach on the other end of a 900-number. Stargazer does make me think of lilies so that's a plus, just not enough of one.
Carole Suzanne - perhaps Suzanne reminds me too much of Susan, but this combo does sound dated to me.
The nn Caro makes me think of Caro syrup, which is a positive association, thinking of all the sweet treats I can make with some light corn syrup.
“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”
~Mark Twain
Carole Quinn - actually, it does make me think of Carole King...
Carole Teresa - It's nice enough.
Carole Antonia - very pretty
Carole Francisca - I think I like this one the best with Carole Antonia the runner-up
Carole Stargazer - well, it sounds a bit like the name of a pyschic you'd reach on the other end of a 900-number. Stargazer does make me think of lilies so that's a plus, just not enough of one.
Carole Suzanne - perhaps Suzanne reminds me too much of Susan, but this combo does sound dated to me.
The nn Caro makes me think of Caro syrup, which is a positive association, thinking of all the sweet treats I can make with some light corn syrup.
~Mark Twain
Love it! I grew up watching old movies and Carole Lombard sold me on the name. "Old fashioned " names are my favorite, so I'm not the best person to ask if it's dated or not. Caro sounds fine for a nn, unless the corn syrup "Karo" is still on the market.
Carole Quinn -- I don't like Quinn unless it's a family surname for you.
Carole Teresa -- Eh.
Carole Antonia -- Lovely combination.
Carole Francisca -- Another favorite name, Francisca! The styles are rather different though. Hmmm. I'll have to mull this one over a while.
Carole Stargazer -- Uh, nms.
Carole Suzanne -- Lovely. (Susanne pleases my eyes more.)
My favorite combination is Carole Josephine, especially with a French accent, but I know that's asking too much. Others:
Carole Veronica
Carole Sophie
Carole Frances
Carole Virginia
Carole Genevieve
Carole Marguerite
Carole Madeleine
Carole Julie / Julia
Carole Pauline / Paulina
Carole Evelyn
Carole Quinn -- I don't like Quinn unless it's a family surname for you.
Carole Teresa -- Eh.
Carole Antonia -- Lovely combination.
Carole Francisca -- Another favorite name, Francisca! The styles are rather different though. Hmmm. I'll have to mull this one over a while.
Carole Stargazer -- Uh, nms.
Carole Suzanne -- Lovely. (Susanne pleases my eyes more.)
My favorite combination is Carole Josephine, especially with a French accent, but I know that's asking too much. Others:
Carole Veronica
Carole Sophie
Carole Frances
Carole Virginia
Carole Genevieve
Carole Marguerite
Carole Madeleine
Carole Julie / Julia
Carole Pauline / Paulina
Carole Evelyn
This message was edited 5/15/2006, 6:50 PM
Karo is still on the market, but I don't associate the name with it, heh. And I'm really a Z person, thus the Suzanne. Susanne looks, to put it incredibly harshly, wussy to me. Same with Elisabeth. *shrug* I'm weird that way. :D
Of your suggestions, I like:
Carole Veronica (fantastic, as Veronica is my Confirmation name and a saint I admire greatly)
Carole Frances
Carole Marguerite (Carole Margaretta or Carole Margarethe, perhaps? :)
Carole Paulina
Carole Johanna
Carole Bernadette
Carole Matilda (Matilda's the name of a dear cousin of mine)
Carole Marianne (Perhaps Carole Mariana, too)
Carole Emma (I was thinking Carole Edith, after one g-grandma, but Emma's another, and it's not nearly so irritating a name in the center)
She had fallen against the windows, which were pressed against the windows, which were pressed against the old oak near across the age of the old Aunt Sophronia--was almost dreadful enough to walk on.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Of your suggestions, I like:
Carole Veronica (fantastic, as Veronica is my Confirmation name and a saint I admire greatly)
Carole Frances
Carole Marguerite (Carole Margaretta or Carole Margarethe, perhaps? :)
Carole Paulina
Carole Johanna
Carole Bernadette
Carole Matilda (Matilda's the name of a dear cousin of mine)
Carole Marianne (Perhaps Carole Mariana, too)
Carole Emma (I was thinking Carole Edith, after one g-grandma, but Emma's another, and it's not nearly so irritating a name in the center)
She had fallen against the windows, which were pressed against the windows, which were pressed against the old oak near across the age of the old Aunt Sophronia--was almost dreadful enough to walk on.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Ooooo! Carole Veronica yes yes yes!
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon