After sleeping on it, I think we all had second thoughts about Brielle as a full name, so now she seems to just be leaning towards Brie Kim. I thought Brie Kim sounded a bit simplistic at first, but I think I'd rather her choose a simple name that she loves rather than a superfluous longer name that we're on the fence about.
I asked what she thought about just using Brie as an American nickname while reserving her birth name, and she said she always wanted to change her birth name, even in Korea. So she seems set on changing it to something. I get the impression that she is going to at least think a little bit longer about what that name should be.
I may try to suggest other understated female names for her to consider, but my family and I already think Brie suits her pretty well. Again, the only real concern I have is it seems a bit incomplete with Kim, especially since Brie is less common as a full name. Thank you all for your input!